Glycerin tincture from concentrate


Well-Known Member
I've been reading around the web and on skunkpharm about glycerin tinctures and wondered what are some of your ideas for combining concentrate with glycerin?

Also considering it needs to be activated as well so a simple mix and go won't do.

I'm wondering with a higher boiling point than the wax; if the glycerin will allow me to see the decarbing of the thca if heat was applied?
VG and cannabis oil don't readily mix, but we've been able to get up to a 38% emulsion at 150F using a CAT Scientific homogenizer.

You can dissolve the oil in alcohol and mix the alcohol with the VG. If you then remove the alcohol, the oil will partially separate.

Most folks just add some PG, which readily mixes with both.
So theres no way to effectivly decarb it unless desolved in alcohol?

Can The alcohol in the glycerin can be reduced some to remove the taste but still keep the dilution rate in the VG?

Also Im not sure what PG is?
So theres no way to effectivly decarb it unless desolved in alcohol?

Can The alcohol in the glycerin can be reduced some to remove the taste but still keep the dilution rate in the VG?

Also Im not sure what PG is?

We decarb our oil by heating it all by its lonesome to 250F and watching the bubbles to gauge progress.

Propylene Glycol
Thanks for that.

I ended up dissolving it in 180p then slow boiling that off until very little remained. Mixed it with the VG and seems to be what I was looking for.