Gnats, Die Now.


New Member
I want to kill root/fungus gnats.

Ive been reading about diff ways to kill them... neem, bacillus, sprays, traps, home made brews, dunks, sand , de.

But none of these kill them DEAD . Except for one


Id like to use a 3 % peroxide at a ratio of 4/1 per gallon.

Can i use this often..? Say twice a week ? Once a week?

I can deal with flyers but the larvae gotta go today.

I know this kills the microbes in the soil also, will that kill my plants growth? Im in soil an i do use microbes but i woildnt say very heavy at this point... can i replace the microbes? Will they come back if i add more? Im only in week 1.

Tips? Experience?

I want to use this on young clones also. Will the solution kill my baby clones ? Transplanted from clone cubes into small soil containers maybe a week ago tops.

Plz help. I love my girls an i cant sleep knowing they got bugs.


New Member
Id like to use azamax but i want them dead now.

I know sumone will say gnatrol but ive been using microbe lift.. similar if not same bacillus thergensis iralinisis an i seem to still got em. Id like to use sand even but id have to block drain holes.

Will the h202 work with my paranoid questions stated above post


New Member
Id like to kill em in one shot.

I know i can use a bug bomb in week one to knock the flyers out the air an then Hit em with the H202

But ive spaced it out.. which bomb do i use for week one lol. Beethovn?pythrium ?

Help me plz

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
this is how I solved my issue. I used a product called gnatnix. Then, here is the key. I watered by filling my saucers and letting the plant drink from the bottom up. The plants love it, the top soil stays dry and you don't mess up the gnatnix. No chemicals.


Well-Known Member don't need a hand grenade for a bug that is so easy to deal with.

...if you understand the life cycle it is easy to interrupt it and with these nuisance pests all you need is sticky traps to catch the fliers aka egg layers, within a week you'll see a definite decrease in fliers that should be nearly gone by the end of 2 weeks.

...and H2O2 will not only kill the gnat larvae, it will kill any beneficial bacteria you have living in your rootzone.

...gnats are only a nuisance unless you ignore them and allow an infestation to get out of control.

peace, bozo


New Member
I know its a little extreme but i dont want any larvae eating my roots especially my baby clones..

Will i be able to replace the beneficial bacteria?

Can i use on young clones that just got transplanted?


Active Member
use azamax, retreat per instructions after 10 days and be done. also use sticky traps like bozo said, that will help a freaking ton


Well-Known Member
Has to be a soil drench to kill larvae, can Azamax be used as such?.

If not, try permethrin mixed with organic pesticide made from crysanthemum(sp). It breaks down fairly quickly, and is commonly marketed as flea and tick spray at Home Depot etc.

Instant death to gnat larvae.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Has to be a soil drench to kill larvae, can Azamax be used as such?.

If not, try permethrin mixed with organic pesticide made from crysanthemum(sp). It breaks down fairly quickly, and is commonly marketed as flea and tick spray at Home Depot etc.

Instant death to gnat larvae.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Has to be a soil drench to kill larvae, can Azamax be used as such?.

If not, try permethrin mixed with organic pesticide made from crysanthemum(sp). It breaks down fairly quickly, and is commonly marketed as flea and tick spray at Home Depot etc.

Instant death to gnat larvae.
Permethrin is a synthetic Pyrethroid. It does NOT break down in 3 days, that is the original compound called Pyrethrum. You can find it in a product called Pyrol. As far as pyrethroids go, ONLY pyrethrum is safe to use on plants, and has no secondary poisoning effects meaning if the plant does absorb some it can NOT poison a human.

For gnat larvae, BTi in granular form or as 'mosquito dunks' is the only way. You can break the life-cycle by letting the top 2 inches of soil dry out too, kills larvae and prevents more eggs being lain in the soil... BTi IS a beneficial bacteria and can in future be used in your soil mixes ahead of cooking. Use of crab-meal also promotes other bacteria that feed of chitin, the stuff larvae's jaws are made of.

Quick Fix: Get the BTi dunks, get the sticky-traps and use them. Sticky Traps only serve as a warning system, if you see a gnat it's lain a lot of eggs, believe me.

Easy way to check your infestation: Get a potato slice and stick it in the soil. After an hour go pull it out, larvae would have migrated to it. This gives you an idea of how bad your infestation is. After using the BTi, check up again in a few days, they should be MASSIVELY reduced if not gone.


Active Member
Use a bowl of water and dish soap any will do put it around an infected plant the bowl do not pour it in theplants soil its cheap and you will catch more than fungus gnats..only for the flyers not the soil dwellers . It works on the cheap

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Use a bowl of water and dish soap any will do put it around an infected plant the bowl do not pour it in theplants soil its cheap and you will catch more than fungus gnats..only for the flyers not the soil dwellers . It works on the cheap
If you put a candle in the middle of the bowl, so the water surrounds the candle, it works a treat for getting fleas out a carpet. Bastards just jump right in there and die. Completely off topic but a good trick to know about. Especially if you move into a house where the previous guys never gave their dog a batch like what happened to us...


Well-Known Member
Permethrin is a synthetic Pyrethroid. It does NOT break down in 3 days, that is the original compound called Pyrethrum. You can find it in a product called Pyrol. As far as pyrethroids go, ONLY pyrethrum is safe to use on plants, and has no secondary poisoning effects meaning if the plant does absorb some it can NOT poison a human.

For gnat larvae, BTi in granular form or as 'mosquito dunks' is the only way. You can break the life-cycle by letting the top 2 inches of soil dry out too, kills larvae and prevents more eggs being lain in the soil... BTi IS a beneficial bacteria and can in future be used in your soil mixes ahead of cooking. Use of crab-meal also promotes other bacteria that feed of chitin, the stuff larvae's jaws are made of.

Quick Fix: Get the BTi dunks, get the sticky-traps and use them. Sticky Traps only serve as a warning system, if you see a gnat it's lain a lot of eggs, believe me.

Easy way to check your infestation: Get a potato slice and stick it in the soil. After an hour go pull it out, larvae would have migrated to it. This gives you an idea of how bad your infestation is. After using the BTi, check up again in a few days, they should be MASSIVELY reduced if not gone.
I hear you on the pyrethoids etc, only Bti/mosquito dunks take a solid month...tried that last year.

Finally got pissed b/c I was harvesting in a few weeks, and Bti wasn't cutting it. What about diamataceous earth for larvae?.


New Member
So ive been using microb-lift. Which is a mosquito product for water an ponds etc. It says its BT-I but it doesnt seem to work.

Has anyone ever tried the H202 method?

I want to kill them now not wait an hope it works.

Azamax u got to wait also. But im leaning towards it.

Realy i would like to hit em in a day. H202 all the plants including lil baby clones then use the bug bomb to knock flyers down.


New Member
Oh an does anyone know the bug bomb i need ?

Im in week 1 of flower.. rest in veg.

Ive used beethoven before but cant remeber which one need to kill adult flyers


New Member
Ok so this is what im thinkn.

H202 all the plants. Including filling the catch trays on bottom.

Then cover soil with either DE or sand

On top of covering top of pot with a lid of sum sort.

Then bug bomb the flyers

Place alot of sticky traps around to be double safe

Then use the gnatrol or my microbe lift as a preventive.


New Member
So i tried out the solution at a ratio of 1 - 4 an added maybe just a bit more water.

Sprayed the top inch or so of top soil an spayed around the catch dish an drain holes.

U can hear the fizzing of the peroxide

I checkd maybe a hour later. I scratched a inch of top soil an there were still lil buggies moving around.

Im going to spray again tonight or tomorrow. An plan on watering with the solution when plants dry out in couple days.

Ill be using a stronger solution thus time im thinkn 1.5 - 4 or slightly less than half an half... its 3 % peroxide also.

If that does not work ill try almost pure peroxide but only as a spray on the top soil about a inch to a inch an half


New Member
I bought azamax an plan on watering with it an peroxideing the top soil an drain holes

I also used a pyrtheium bug bomb to help kill the flyers..