gnats during flowering

Ya.. 3%... just do a bit of math for your 6 or 20 and reduce accordingly.. You know, once upon a long time ago, to demonstrate to a friend it was really impossible to use too much, I watered my clones with strait h202.. needless to say, the next morning the plant was a plant and was ready to do more plant things..

I have used h202 in LATE late budding to help break up and aerate soil that wont drain well anymore.. the plants love the (short burst) extra oxygen and responded accordingly.

So while I wouldn't ever suggest using 3.2 strait, I would take your 6% and use about a half cup.. your 20% and use about a 7th of a cup and so on and so on..

Lite does wont hurt your plants at this stage and it doesn't sound like you are worried about growing soil, o if it were me, and I can only speak for myself, but I HAVE done this many many times (h202 I use all the time for just about everything in the garden) to no ill effects.. and in your case you will be getting rid of the varmits.. it will feel very very good..

That's just me.. but I have been growing on and off since 1963.. (well, in 63 I planted my fist seeds behind the pool hall and actually managed to get a small harvest of seeded bud) and I know how important this shit is for folks and I would NEVER tell them something I thought was going to hurt their work in any way, and I would never suggest something I haven't done myself in many occasions to great benefit.

I may of spoke soon if a guy is growing 'soil'.. Me, I am growing a harvestable crop, not roots and not soils .. I DO understand there is a difference.. this may not be the way for some of us fanatical soil growers (by fanatical I mean I wish I had that kind of space and ability too), but for a good mahy of us, it is a great quick effective fix to the lil nasties..

Good luck~ I myself would do it without hesitation, I couldn't live with a few more weeks of the little critterswhen i see them I want them gone totally in hours, I don;t like to fuck around that way.

Hey thanks for all the info. I picked up some 50 percent h202 from my hydro shop. Says 2 ml per 10ltrs to hydro systems. I'm guessing this would be similar in soil yeah?

Hmm I have heard its hard to overdose a plant on h202 like you're experiment showed. Although with 50 percent im worried it could be overkill.

So should I be adding cannazym and rhizotonic straight away to put some bacteria back into the soil or is this defeating the purpose.

Any help or recommendations would be appreciated.
Hey thanks for all the info. I picked up some 50 percent h202 from my hydro shop. Says 2 ml per 10ltrs to hydro systems. I'm guessing this would be similar in soil yeah?

Hmm I have heard its hard to overdose a plant on h202 like you're experiment showed. Although with 50 percent im worried it could be overkill.

So should I be adding cannazym and rhizotonic straight away to put some bacteria back into the soil or is this defeating the purpose.

Any help or recommendations would be appreciated.

Mate.. 50% peroxide is near a hazardous material.. be VERY careful messing with it,, if I were you I would run to the local mini mart and pony up 2 bucks for 3% and make it easy and safe on yourself..

Just my thoughts.. I wouldn't mess with 50%.. that is industrial farm grade and not to be played with casually.. IMO

I would be devastated to think someone hurt themselves over my advice.. I need be clear the whole point of the 3 percent is you can bath yourself in it if you really wanted.. it is harmless to you. inexpensive and most everyone has it laying around in the bathroom.

50% is NOT the same thing.. .. careful careful careful..
I would be devastated to think someone hurt themselves over my advice.. I need be clear the whole point of the 3 percent is you can bath yourself in it if you really wanted.. it is harmless to you. inexpensive and most everyone has it laying around in the bathroom.

50% is NOT the same thing.. .. careful careful careful..

Thanks for the concern. The reason I picked up the 50 % is because all I could find around here in 3 % was 100ml. I would need 10 bottles to make up 5 ltrs. Not very economical.
I was warned to be careful with the product and I do have a dropper so I'm not expecting to be handling the product.
I do appreciate the concern though.
Thanks for the concern. The reason I picked up the 50 % is because all I could find around here in 3 % was 100ml. I would need 10 bottles to make up 5 ltrs. Not very economical.
I was warned to be careful with the product and I do have a dropper so I'm not expecting to be handling the product.
I do appreciate the concern though.

5 liters? You should only need about 200 ml to 5 liters if my math is correct.. or rather, I use roughly a cup to a gallon, which would be 'close enough' to 200 ml for 5 liters..

So with that in mind, using a calculation I myself have never tried, for your 50% if you mix 1566ml water to 100ml 50% h202, it should in theory, equal 3%, and then you could toss a cup of that in the gallon of water.. heh.. It's all so confusing.. yikes.. For some folks this is probably easy, me and math,.. not so good.. There is a reason a guy like me, sticks to 3%.. ;-)
I wish I could say the same.

My girls only have a couple weeks left till harvest so I'm pretty sure it's too late. The damage is already done. Just for next grow I'm going to have to use some more preemtive measures.
Still unsure if using hydrogen peroxide is a good idea at this late stage.
What are some ways to eliminate getting gnats in the first place. I always use a (good) potting mix maybe this is my downfall.

Bacillus thuringiensis israeli aka Bti, which is a bacterium that produces a toxin (larvacide) that selectively kills primarily fungus gnat and mosquito larvae. This stuff is widely available as Mosquito Dunks\Bits, Gnatrol, etc. The dunks are sold in virtually every hardware\home improvement store. You can take these and break them up or grind them down, then either sprinkle directly onto the soil and water, or allow to soak in water for 12-24 hours and then apply. Repeat every 2-3 weeks.

I also use Hypoaspis\predator mites: they eat microbes and springtails as well as eggs\larval stages of other potential pests. They also help to distribute microbes throughout the soil and aerate the top layer.

Hydrogen peroxide will kill virtually everything indiscriminately, it even kills human skin cells and this is why it's use as an antiseptic is now discouraged as cleaning wounds with it can enhance scarring.

if you want to know what's really in your nutes. Go to the Oregon department of agriculture website. All nutrient companies have to register and disclose all ingredients to each state to be able to legally sell. There is really no such thing as organic bottled nutes. They all have heavy metals and chems except for liquid karma.
That isn't actually the case, and I am pretty sure I tried to tell you this months ago. Firstly state laws differ with respect to fertilizer labeling, as with most other things. Virtually everything has some measurable quantity of "heavy metals", even if it is in parts per million or parts per billion. Compost and earthworm castings will have heavy metals. Liquid Karma, too, does indeed have heavy metals in very minor trace amounts:

But that database doesn't give you the product ingredients, or even the full NPK\mineral content analysis. It just describes the potential maximum heavy metal content, in ppm, as required by law.
thnx for all the help gnats are gone H2O2'd them.

Nice.. spread the word to others in the same type of situation., I HATE the idea of using anything stronger and in some cases, quite toxic.

Did you notice how they perked up and got their 'Disney Tail' high in the air.. Mine always look so bllomin lush the first week afterwards.. that tiny boost of oxygen seems to really give em a 'buzz'.
Try spraying with aloe Vera. It makes the leaves pray and speeds up vegative growth too. It cause the stomatas to open more and wider which causes the plant to process and absorb more light. That's why leaves pray.