gnats easiest way 2 kill them +rep for help


Active Member
okay, i'm not kidding about this, i started a thread about it if you search:

grab a bowl, put about 12 pieces of honeycomb cereal in it, and put enough milk in there to float the pieces.

seriously, i'm getting up to 30-40 gnats per day with this.


Fuck that praying mantis shit. I'm not letting one of those fuckers near my house. I'm trying the dish soap in water.


Well-Known Member
kay i gots a serious gnat problem that has progressed severly over the past week

can any one tell me how 2 kill these fucks?
are they detramental to plant growth?
I use fly paper for those little suckers... and drape it around the inside edge of the pot,,they all get stuck in it and die...the fly paper i get comes in little cardboard cylinders and you roll it out but i think that it also comes in strips...hope that helps


Well-Known Member
I poop on a newspaper and put it next to my plants than they are swarming it in no time........... J\k

srry i dnt know what i was thinking

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
but yea no gnats so far
after i put the aluminum foil on the soil
those fucks cant lay eggs
they cant get out so they die
there goes the pop
then i get neem oil and kill the remainder and stop them from
coming back


sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand sand and SOME MORE SAND. please just put some sand on the top of your soil, it will stop them from being able to grow into adults and reproduce then start the cycle all over again. For the lingerers you need a sticky fly trap. They will all be gone in a week.
I keep my extra soil in a rubbermaid container..It is gray (opaque) in color and has a lid with 2 small holes next in the handles; zero non-beneficial bacteria and will stay moist for a month. tell your friends


Hey guys, I've been trying to deal with an infestation myself as well. Been using Neem oil in water and watering less often. Spraying the neem with water onto leaves.

I've found for the adults that having a bowl (like cereal bowl) with vinegar (normal white) just sitting in between pots works wonders.

It's working slowly... just waiting for the neem oil to kick in! But it does seem to be getting rid of them. Hope my 2c helps