Gnats in my soil.

Mr. Newb

New Member
I thought I had just a few here and there in my tent. Today I was watering and spraying my girls down when I saw little baby gnats crawling over my soil. How can I get rid of them and prevent?
Mosquito dunks, soak that shit for a couple days prior to watering. I had them really really bad, I'm down to just a few now and I haven't even used my mosquito dunk water yet. This is what I do, maybe it will work for you. I take a clear glass, pour a fresh sprite into it, add some dish soap, and I add about a handful of raw sugar, mix it up and it will foam. Then I set that in between my plants, I drop sand on the top soil so no more new gnats can lay eggs, then I stop watering for about a week, letting the gnats either die or drown. Just my 2 cents. You can also use neem oil if your plants are still in veg
Some of my other niggas say use hydrogen peroxide when they water, might want to google the correct ratio
Yeah I threw some peroxide on it today but I want a for sure thing like a total wipe out so I don't have to worry there is just a few showing but I want to crush their civilization. How dare they come to my realm
Yeah I threw some peroxide on it today but I want a for sure thing like a total wipe out so I don't have to worry there is just a few showing but I want to crush their civilization. How dare they come to my realm
I believe peroxide should wipe them out, worse case you could always transplant them if they are old enough
Gnats or winged root aphids?
I'm pretty sure they are gnats. If I leave a pitcher of water in my tent some are on the inside wall and it looks like gnats to Me. But the ones running on the soil seem grayish but mind you Its under led so it's hard to say for sure. I think I'm gonna get some DE at my local garden shop and just blast them with that because no matter what they are DE will kill them