Gnats problem


What are some effective ways to get rid of gnats ive had a problem wit them for about 3 weeks ive try drying out the soil but seem like theres always one gnat left and my plants look so dry that i give in to water them and the next fews days ill see a couple flying around what can i do to get rid of them?


Active Member
Mosquito dunks if your growing organic.Or Hydrogen peroxide if inorganic.
An inch layer of perlite on top of your medium will stop them getting in and out,it slices their exoskeletons and they dehydrate.
Have a look in The Bugs forum,its all in there.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
If you can find some 'daddy long legs' spiders and relocate them to your plants they're suppose to work for gnat control.
Worth a shot.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
BTi or BT is great and organic. You add it in small amounts to your feed/water. Another solution is diatomaceous earth. Spread it about half an inch deep all over the top of the soil.


Well-Known Member
Absolutly what Doc Who said. Also you can use, 2tsp neem in your next waterering. Pretty much anything organic can go into your soil and not hurt your babies. The gnats are laying eggs in your soil and most likely the larvae is munching on your roots.


Well-Known Member
I use an inch or so of regular play sand from Home Depot. Put it on top of the grow medium in all your pots. Gnats can't get thru it to lay eggs in your soil and will soon die.


Well-Known Member
Try to get something that has BTi in it and preferably in liquid form. Never add it to tap water as the chlorine will kill the spores. Also BTi should be used every 7 -10 days for up to 4 times to break the life cycle. The guy I get mine from says it usless to use it as a preventative and only use it when you have gnats.

If you have large agricultural wholesaler around your area see if they carry Nemasys I sell quite a bit of them in my store and they work good. Usually a package will do 2500 sf.

If you want to see if you have gnats, take a potato, slice it and put it face down on your media. The gnats will be attracted to the potatoes as it oxidized quickly.


Mosquito Dunks/Bits are sold at virtually every hardware/home improvement store. These are very effective for Fungus gnats and aren't toxic to much else, and not to people or pets.

I also use Hypoaspis predator mites. These survive in my soil even through mixing/recycling and are introduced to new plantings, they eat all kinds of soil-dwelling pests.