
Too many can do real damage to a seedling that’s trying to establish roots. I’d soak the soil with Bt/water mix (two drops to a gallon), put out some yellow traps (the Bt only kills the larvae), and keep a close eye out. Must have come in your soil. What kind are you using?

I made the mistake of mixing in very little just normal potting soil !

Was just missing like a quarter gallon of soil in each pot and I topped it off with that !

Main base of soil is fox farm !
Gosh, I am almost positive they are not but I will upload photos later !

Seems you have had a run in there as well !

Same methods to killing them off ?
I think neem oil is the treatment for whiteflies I have been lucky and avoided them so far but I have heard tales.
I made the mistake of mixing in very little just normal potting soil !

Was just missing like a quarter gallon of soil in each pot and I topped it off with that !

Main base of soil is fox farm !

Could have come in the fox farm also. I got some quite likely from a bag of ff stored outside in summer. Not hard to control, but get them out now or they can stunt growth. I ditched a young infested grow many moons ago for this reason. Here’s the stuff that was recommended to me here and that has been very effective. I continue to use it as a preventative. I know there are still some in my many houseplants too. They get the BTi also.
Could have come in the fox farm also. I got some quite likely from a bag of ff stored outside in summer. Not hard to control, but get them out now or they can stunt growth. I ditched a young infested grow many moons ago for this reason. Here’s the stuff that was recommended to me here and that has been very effective. I continue to use it as a preventative. I know there are still some in my many houseplants too. They get the BTi also.


Just a couple drops in a gallon ?
I’m thinking back and it seems like when there’s been a serious pest outbreak I don’t think the gnats are around. And like I said I always have a gnat or two on the trap, so I’m thinking maybe a few gnats are a good sign?
I’m thinking back and it seems like when there’s been a serious pest outbreak I don’t think the gnats are around. And like I said I always have a gnat or two on the trap, so I’m thinking maybe a few gnats are a good sign?

That's what I was thinking but since this is the beginning of a grow, it got me sketched out and I do not want to deal with it the entire grow time !
Just started a few seedlings with FF ocean forest. Within a day I noticed the gnats.

Fuckers came with the soil, yellow sticky traps and sprinkle DE on soil. Seem to be mostly gone now
Currently on the list I have some of the sticky traps, DE , MICROBE-LIFT and mosquito bits !

Seems to be that DE, MICROBE-LIFT and mosquito bits are very similar as they are all diluted into water and watered in to kill the larva, am I understanding this correctly ?

If so I do not need every product which do you think is the best route ?

I can grab some DE or mosquito bits today along with some sticky traps and I should be set while I order in some of the Microbe ?

All things considered this should not effect my soon to be seedling ? ( I know this is redundant, just worried about the girls ! )