Go find a Bridge to live under, you Troll :)

If Joe wants to break the country and it's spirit, he will let Donald go. If he wants to break the republicans he will let him run lose for a spell while his self pardon is decided, provided the trial judge doesn't set it aside and proceed to trial, letting him use it on appeal to the SCOTUS. It's not up to Joe though, not his job, it's what his AG will do and he will have thousands of former DOJ alumni on him like stink on shit demanding justice if there is any delay.
I don't even think his comrade Putin will take him.
Maybe he can live with Javanka?
Oh wait........they don't have a house..........just a plot of land.
I guess they'll have to pitch tents.
Or maybe with Lindsey Graham........blow job every night........very inviting.

I don't give a fuck where the piece of shit lives.........as long as it not at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave or next to me.

she's going to need the security..does anyone remember the old original Island of Dr. Moreau? gave me nightmares when i was a kid but not like the nightmare Ivanka is about to enter for her crimes against humanity as well as when the Trumpers turn and turn they will.


Let's say Donald is indicted and waves his pardon in front of the judge and everything is put on hold for 6 months until the SCOTUS decides on the motion or whatever. The FBI take the pardon at face value as does the grand jury and starts cleaning out Donald, imagine what his partners in crimes would be going through, even the ones with pardons who conspired with him?

Joe could call out Trump and say if he had any guts he would sit in the senate (bait him mercilessly). Donald would then force a republican senator out in Florida and have DeSantis appoint him where he would then displace Mitch as minority leader (hopefully) and lead them all to glory, before going to prison. Donald craves attention and this would be a way to stay in the limelight, he'd get the seat, but wouldn't show up for work or even votes, but he would tweet.
probably a total different tax structure. residential v commercial. he's dumb as a brick but he hires some good tax consultants.

you can't get a homestead exemption on a commercial business which is the draw to florida- that chunk of money that's not taxable..hmmmmmm.
probably a total different tax structure. residential v commercial. he's dumb as a brick but he hires some good tax consultants.
He has that country retreat, a mansion in NY? Perhaps he thinks DeSantis won't extradite him for the NY state charges, but it wouldn't matter about federal indictments. Does he have any country clubs in countries that don't have an extradition treaty with America?
probably a total different tax structure. residential v commercial. he's dumb as a brick but he hires some good tax consultants.
Maybe? He has been cutting corners for a long ass time it really looks like to my untrained eye.

So who knows, he may just escape justice. But unless he is bunking with Snowden, I think its going to be up to 12 American's sitting in a jury box.

There is no way the states don't have enough on individual 1 to put anyone else in prison.
I don't even think his comrade Putin will take him.
Maybe he can live with Javanka?
Oh wait........they don't have a house..........just a plot of land.
I guess they'll have to pitch tents.
Or maybe with Lindsey Graham........blow job every night........very inviting.

I don't give a fuck where the piece of shit lives.........as long as it not at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave or next to me.
Hey man, not next to me either! Lol
He kinda reminds me of Dr. Evil with hair. Maybe he has an underwater lair somewhere. Lol
More like Dr. Moron, he has nowhere to run to where Uncle Sam can't get him. He owes the Russians money and whatever assets he has will be seized by the federal government over money laundering and taxes. The statue of limits on tax crimes goes back a long way, if you continuously cheated, a decade or more I believe, or perhaps back to the first continuous infraction, not sure how far back, but it is a long time.
Let's say Donald is indicted and waves his pardon in front of the judge and everything is put on hold for 6 months until the SCOTUS decides on the motion or whatever. The FBI take the pardon at face value as does the grand jury and starts cleaning out Donald, imagine what his partners in crimes would be going through, even the ones with pardons who conspired with him?

Joe could call out Trump and say if he had any guts he would sit in the senate (bait him mercilessly). Donald would then force a republican senator out in Florida and have DeSantis appoint him where he would then displace Mitch as minority leader (hopefully) and lead them all to glory, before going to prison. Donald craves attention and this would be a way to stay in the limelight, he'd get the seat, but wouldn't show up for work or even votes, but he would tweet.

you can't pardon based on future crime or indictment.
More like Dr. Moron, he has nowhere to run to where Uncle Sam can't get him. He owes the Russians money and whatever assets he has will be seized by the federal government over money laundering and taxes. The statue of limits on tax crimes goes back a long way, if you continuously cheated, a decade or more I believe, or perhaps back to the first continuous infraction, not sure how far back, but it is a long time.
I don't believe he'll ever be prosecuted. Our justice system is the best money can buy and supposedly(though i highly doubt it) he has a shit ton of it. Time will tell though. I was always under the impression that the statute of limitations is 7 years on tax liability. You only need to keep records for 7 years. Is what you're talking about for corporate? If so, I'm not educated on the corporate world, so I've learned something new. :bigjoint:
When I joined this site I said something like, "Let him try to built the wall." with the thought give him enough rope. Well that seems of have been the strategy to win this election. Many of you mistakenly took that as I was a Trump supporter. Just saying.

Although it would make me a little happy to see him in jail it would be a very selfish thing to want that. Best thing for the country is to pardon him and his little fcking kids for anything they may have done and let them fade away into a bad memory. Enough of these mofo already.
Who wants to press the button? LOL
If I were Jeff Bezos or Mark Cuban, I would gleefully donate the change in my pocket ( a million dollars?) too push that button :)
Screw that, I hope he gets RICO'd and every last corrupt Right wing/foreign linked donar gets all their money drained and tossed back into the pot.

As much as Trump and the Republicans tried to cry about how much Mueller investigation costed, it was more than paid for by clawing back all Manafort's corrupt money.

Just drain the right wing hate circus of their funds. That will take care of Citizens United right there, all the funds for the wink wink nudge nudge dry up and campaign reform should get a lot easier.
When I joined this site I said something like, "Let him try to built the wall." with the thought give him enough rope. Well that seems of have been the strategy to win this election. Many of you mistakenly took that as I was a Trump supporter. Just saying.

Although it would make me a little happy to see him in jail it would be a very selfish thing to want that. Best thing for the country is to pardon him and his little fcking kids for anything they may have done and let them fade away into a bad memory. Enough of these mofo already.
Nope, prosecute him for every single crime and rub the noses of his soft support in the shit until they can't breathe without smelling the stench. His hardcore racist supporters can be sidelined and prosecuted under hate crimes and terrorism laws when they get the senate. They crossed a line and patriots are becoming more radicalized than them and it's just getting started. They followed Donald through the gates of Hell with sedition and treason, they now have implacable enemies who are determined to destroy them.

No justice no peace, forget it, not just him is going down, there is now an enemies list and they enlisted themselves. This hasn't even begun yet, Joe speaks softly, but others will swing the big stick. Many of these assholes are corrupt and that is their weakness, judges hear cases and juries decide, nobody is gonna stuff this genie back in the bottle, don't even try. As the bible says, the have sewn the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind. They've been at war with America for decades and have had an easy ride, until now, after the new year things will be different, win the senate and it will be a slaughter of the elephants. There are many republican senators or former ones who can have a date with a grand jury and judge, Mitch, Lindsay and those two corrupt clowns from Georgia come to mind, but I'm sure there are a half dozen others.
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