Go Ron ...

As a former graphic artist, and current computer user who just received an author published tome, I can tell you that it really doesn't take that much to put out in hardcopy. It's just initially more expensive, sometimes ultimately more so.

Just sayin'. :)

Actually, I should add to that, because I see something going on here at RIU that I think is.. fixable. Verifying information, or proving veracity. People tend to sometimes regurgitate information without first proving or disproving the likelihood of truthfulness or actual data. I always try to double-check sources and information. It can be revealing, especially if you find that some proponent of a product has a vested interest in promoting it and gives out false information. Shark cartilage and coral calcium "purveyors" are two such that come immediately to mind. Oh! And those Japanese suck-the-toxins-from-your-feet-like-you're-a-tree pads. :lol: That shit cracks me up!
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As a former graphic artist, and current computer user who just received an author published tome, I can tell you that it really doesn't take that much to put out in hardcopy. It's just initially more expensive, sometimes ultimately more so.

Just sayin'. :)

That's true. I guess what I mean to say is that - having initially screened a book for boilerplate and seen it's from a reputable publisher - the chances are very good that the book will be fact-checked and better-edited than the vast majority of crap that you find on the internet.
That's true. I guess what I mean to say is that - having initially screened a book for boilerplate and seen it's from a reputable publisher - the chances are very good that the book will be fact-checked and better-edited than the vast majority of crap that you find on the internet.
Ah... I've been involved in an (assistant) editorial level, myself. A hobbyist book that required hard data sets along with authors' "touches". :) That was self-published, but the authors themselves are cited.
WTF, is RUI becoming a place for doing our homework. I thought this was a place for free-lance comment not some college entrance test.
I don't care what anyone says Ron Paul is the only man capable of running this country and getting America back on track and under the constitution which all others like bush just go around it and make up their own damn laws. if you think Obama, Clinton, or McCain will adhere to the constitution your living in La LA Land!!!!!!! Peace:)