God damn :( Need extra help!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys. I have my 4 pots of WW. Today starts 10th week of flowering, and I found on one of my plants mildew... What to do now? It is about one week to go... Do I need to isolate it from others or just left?

And one more question. I stop giving frets to my plants about 3-4 weeks ago. Do I need them flush any way before harvest or not?


Well-Known Member
10 weeks, take a look at the trichs, you may already be past prime time. My last WW finished in a bit over 8.




Well-Known Member
10 weeks, take a look at the trichs, you may already be past prime time. My last WW finished in a bit over 8.


I've done it... They look clear, maybe a bit smokey... So I think they need about 1-2 weeks... Cause I count in my flowering period pre-flowering period, so I think I'm now really only in week 7 of flowering...


Well-Known Member
Can I spray them with stuff for mildew? If I'm going to harvest in about 1-2 weeks, is it good to smoke buds after spraying them?
If its Powdery Mildew:

organic neem oil extract is safe and can be used up to day of harvest but some say they can taste it slightly but ive never had a complaint n sprayed a week or so before. Mix: 1 tsp neem for water bottle

Milk is another safe aid that helps control PM but make sure u use lowfat to no fat n spray early when lights come on. Otherwise u'll get that nasty sour milk smell n possibly taste. Mix: 1 part milk to 8-9 parts water.

There are many other products n solutions such as bicarbonate but this is what I've used n had some good success to control. Side note IMO: u can only control pm once u have it n many things can cause it. High humidty, low humidity, temp etc... Before ur next grow clean ur entire grow room and everything in with h2o2 which will kill it. But DO NOT use on plants.

Sugg: I found certain strains are more succeptible (IMO n. lights and God for example). I eliminated growing these strains n found my other girls have had no problems.


Well-Known Member
If its Powdery Mildew:

organic neem oil extract is safe and can be used up to day of harvest but some say they can taste it slightly but ive never had a complaint n sprayed a week or so before. Mix: 1 tsp neem for water bottle

Milk is another safe aid that helps control PM but make sure u use lowfat to no fat n spray early when lights come on. Otherwise u'll get that nasty sour milk smell n possibly taste. Mix: 1 part milk to 8-9 parts water.

There are many other products n solutions such as bicarbonate but this is what I've used n had some good success to control. Side note IMO: u can only control pm once u have it n many things can cause it. High humidty, low humidity, temp etc... Before ur next grow clean ur entire grow room and everything in with h2o2 which will kill it. But DO NOT use on plants.

Sugg: I found certain strains are more succeptible (IMO n. lights and God for example). I eliminated growing these strains n found my other girls have had no problems.
Thanks bro... I just sprayed that plant and plant who was next to it with fungicide. Hope it will not make any bad things for smoking... And there is picture... I got 3 sports like this on my plant...2013-09-30 21.06.07.jpg


Well-Known Member
Why do you think it is all over it? It is THC all over dude. I got mh magnifier, I know. And white spots on leaves is water drops from spray !
What I think southerner is saying is once PM (white spots) is plainly visible it's already at a advanced stage. PM spores are technically already everywhere even though u can't see the spots. best thing to do IMO is treat once a week to keep under control. If u don't PM can spread visibly n very rapidly n becomes more difficult to control.

I hope the fungicide u used is safe for human consumption. Such as ok to use on vegetables!


Well-Known Member
What I think southerner is saying is once PM (white spots) is plainly visible it's already at a advanced stage. PM spores are technically already everywhere even though u can't see the spots. best thing to do IMO is treat once a week to keep under control. If u don't PM can spread visibly n very rapidly n becomes more difficult to control.

I hope the fungicide u used is safe for human consumption. Such as ok to use on vegetables!
Yes it is for vegetables, for tomatoes, cucumbers and so. Only think I'm worried is this fungicide will gone after week or two, that it will be possible to smoke this weed. And hope other plants will not get this sh*t from sick plant :(


Well-Known Member
Cut your losses and get that plant out of there. You may have to harvest that one early but at least the others won't be contaminated. GL


Well-Known Member
Cut your losses and get that plant out of there. You may have to harvest that one early but at least the others won't be contaminated. GL
Bigest problem is that this sick plant is one who is not ready or even close to harvesting :( hairs is about 10-20% brown only.. What if I harvest it now, will it be able to smoke it?

Here is some pictures from powdery mildew on one of sugar leaves... 2013-10-01 09.24.20.jpg

And here is pictures of THC from my other plant which have probably 70-80% brown hairs, but I don't see that my THC is smoke or amber, maybe some of them only, there is the picture... 2013-10-01 09.25.37.jpg2013-10-01 09.33.21.jpg

Maybe I can harvest it now, to avoid any chance to get mildew from that sick plant???

Hope to get some answer soon... :(


Well-Known Member
If I were you. hit the panic button. harvest this second. dry them very fast with fans . don't dick around with mold. if one has mold they all do with in hours it will rune the entire crop. HARVEST break open big buds look for mold.


Well-Known Member
deisel hit the nail on the head pm sucks ass.. even if you get rid of it from the plants you will still need to do a complete room cleaning.. i used tilex to kill every type of mold or mildew.. after that its all on you.. keep humidity down and temps stable.. during flowering stages you need a great airflow.. stagnet air will cause pm in a heartbeat.. big buds will produce moisture when its growing so as long as the moisture from the buds sit with no air then pm set is the bud rot.. so be vigilant and dial your room in and keep it stable as possible..


Active Member
Me personally... I'd just cut off the moldy shit and keep pushing. Keep trying to control it and harvest at the first chance you can. But be reasonable. You DONT WANT TO SMOKE MOLD. So if it gets too bad, just chalk it up to a lesson learned. Once this crop is done you will need to bust out the bleach/water spray and wipe every square inch of your grow space.


Well-Known Member
No worries. Buy a bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide from your local drug store (<$2.00) No need to dilute. Move lights/heat away from plants, spray onto plants

Repeat as needed, but should only take 2-3 treatments

Reduce humidity in room to prevent further issues

Rusty Trikes

Well-Known Member
Harvest it. get it out of there. smoke what you can but be reasonable. Get it out of the growroom NOW. If you don't you will be back on this forum showing more pics of moldy buds. There is absolutely NO reason to keep this plant until the trikes are perfect. You are just risking exposing all the other plants to it. It WILL spread if you let it. Treat the other plants once and then give them a good misting in the morning the day before harvest to rinse all that shit off. Although neem is safe to consume , it certainly tastes funny. After harvest, scrub down the growroom with hydrogen peroxide or bleach and let it air out real good before using it again. I know you want to let the trikes get just the way you like them, but by the time that happens they will be unsmokable , and the rest of your crop will be moldy too.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Yes it is for vegetables, for tomatoes, cucumbers and so. Only think I'm worried is this fungicide will gone after week or two, that it will be possible to smoke this weed. And hope other plants will not get this sh*t from sick plant :(
It won't be gone soon. Fungicides are systemic. You NEVER spray a fungicide on a fruit or flower if you care for your health. That's the kind of cancer-causing crap that is ailing this entire planet. Carcinogens frigging everywhere. In our food and now in your weed too bro, sorry to tell you this, I REALLY am, but it is the truth. They stay in the plant's tissues for many weeks, up to 12 as far as I recall. You don't even spray milk or any of the other snake-oils people will tell you should work this close to the end brother. When the last 4 weeks start counting down, your plant is on it's own, this is the ONLY safe way. Neem Oil as part of a regular control regimen would probably have prevented this mate, bear that in mind for next time. Your other plants are under threat, the spores are everywhere right now. Get your RH DOWN DOWN DOWN! Get the infected one out of there!!!! Harvest time dude. It sucks when a crop gets forced to an early cropping, but such is life, been there done that have a collection of t-shirts.