God of the Left


Well-Known Member
Some of you may have heard that Roman Polanski was recently arrested after years of evading capture.

Now, if you watch any of the main stream or "real news" networks you know that this all stems from charges that he had sex with a minor in 1977.

Many celebrities have come to Polanski's defense arguing that it was a long time ago and that he has suffered enough. Strangely even the victim (now a grown woman) has suggested that he has suffered enough, but that is irrelevant.

One of the most interesting things about this case is that Polanski didn't have sex with an under aged girl.

What he did do back in 1977, was get a 13 year old girl drunk, drug her with Quaaludes and FORCIBLY RAPE her. In doing so he performed oral sex on her, vaginally raped her and forcibly sodomized her all while she was objecting.

The charges were evidently lowered to statutory rape only to spare the victim the further trauma associated with a trial.

One has to wonder what must be wrong with a person's brain when they argue that Polanski doesn't deserve prison. But of course Polanski was a Hollywood elite - in other words a god to the Left.

I am not at all surprised to hear that many on the Left are coming to his defense; hell they protested for Tuki Williams, a mass murderer because he later published children's books with an anti violence theme.

What is most interesting to me is how the main stream media outlets are covering the story. If you watch any of these, you may have heard about this case and if so, you have certainly heard only that Polanski was charged with having sex with a minor. Only Fox reported what Polanski had actually done to that 13 year old girl. So much for getting the "facts" from the main stream media. Whenever there is a story that brings shame to the Left, the story is minimized or buried - that is the MO of the Left wing media.


Well-Known Member
Some of you may have heard that Roman Polanski was recently arrested after years of evading capture.

Now, if you watch any of the main stream or "real news" networks you know that this all stems from charges that he had sex with a minor in 1977.

Many celebrities have come to Polanski's defense arguing that it was a long time ago and that he has suffered enough. Strangely even the victim (now a grown woman) has suggested that he has suffered enough, but that is irrelevant.

One of the most interesting things about this case is that Polanski didn't have sex with an under aged girl.

What he did do back in 1977, was get a 13 year old girl drunk, drug her with Quaaludes and FORCIBLY RAPE her. In doing so he performed oral sex on her, vaginally raped her and forcibly sodomized her all while she was objecting.

The charges were evidently lowered to statutory rape only to spare the victim the further trauma associated with a trial.

One has to wonder what must be wrong with a person's brain when they argue that Polanski doesn't deserve prison. But of course Polanski was a Hollywood elite - in other words a god to the Left.

I am not at all surprised to hear that many on the Left are coming to his defense; hell they protested for Tuki Williams, a mass murderer because he later published children's books with an anti violence theme.

What is most interesting to me is how the main stream media outlets are covering the story. If you watch any of these, you may have heard about this case and if so, you have certainly heard only that Polanski was charged with having sex with a minor. Only Fox reported what Polanski had actually done to that 13 year old girl. So much for getting the "facts" from the main stream media. Whenever there is a story that brings shame to the Left, the story is minimized or buried - that is the MO of the Left wing media.
spot on, Rick. I think that the other hollywood elites that came to his defense showed their true colors in refuting the claims of rape and really exposed themselves just to defend this rapist
Bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. The truth is a lie and the lie becomes the true. For thos they have stored up to them selves wrath against the day of wrath.
There judgement is coming- coming when they, themselves, will be consumed by their own devices.
Flipp'en pigs and unjust judges of a matter.
In the greek- they are called 'malicaskites'.
Deliberatly ingonrant fools in English.
Fuck-tards in eubonics- Oblabla native tounge.


New Member
The proper punishment and justice would be to leave Polanski alone in a locked room for twenty minutes with the girls father ... the father in possession of a baseball bat.


Well-Known Member
To me, the most significant part of the story is that only Fox reported what the man actually did - drugged and forcibly raped and sodomized a 13 year old girl. All the other networks made it sound like he had consensual sex with a 17 year old. BIG DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder if this, in the minds of the Left, is just another example of the lies and propaganda that comes from Fox. After all to all the other networks it wasn't child rape it was "sex with a minor."


Active Member
if you're a democrat or pogressive then you support child rape!!! and NAZIS!!! and stomping cute little kittens!!!!!!1111


Well-Known Member
if you're a democrat or pogressive then you support child rape!!! and NAZIS!!! and stomping cute little kittens!!!!!!1111
Oh man, that is so weak it is humorous. Honestly, is that the best you can do?

Better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Now you see guys, what PVS posted is a text book straw man argument.



Active Member
Oh man, that is so weak it is humorous. Honestly, is that the best you can do?

Better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Now you see guys, what PVS posted is a text book straw man argument.

you made the connection. in this thread you called polanski the "god of the left". gods are worshiped and unconditionally supported. in another thread you directly implied that the left are the same type of people who empowered nazis in europe. oh sure we're not "evil" (how nice of you to say) we just cant think too good and stuff.

and yeah, i made up the part about the kittens. fine. got me there.

please, learn what strawman means. just because that crackerjack keeps running to hump your leg, it doesnt mean you're correct about its definition.
I love how anytime a celebrity says anything liberal it's discredited. The "God Of The Right" was an actor too-if your not sure, check my screenname. As far as protecting rapists, I don't think the left has come out to defend that guy any more than anyone else. If the victim wants the case dropped, case closed. By the way, here's a little gem for you "anti-rape Republicans"




Well-Known Member
you made the connection. in this thread you called polanski the "god of the left". gods are worshiped and unconditionally supported.
Yes, just like Polanski

in another thread you directly implied that the left are the same type of people who empowered nazis in europe.
See there you go again trying to twist and misrepresent what other say. I made the point that Liberals, like those who followed Hitler are highly susceptible to the same type of group think mentality that caused so many to do the unthinkable. It is a point worthy of consideration.

please, learn what strawman means. just because that crackerjack keeps running to hump your leg, it doesnt mean you're correct about its definition.
A straw man is exactly as I am describing. it is you and only you who is having trouble with this. Even the definition you posted demonstrated that this is so.

Getting back to the point - the Left wing media is reporting that Polanski had "sex with a minor." That is a gross misrepresentation of what he did. I am not saying that people on the Left are child molesters, just that the Left wing press is misrepresenting the story as they do with most things.

You are (dishonestly) trying to twist my argument into a weaker one so that you can more easily tear it down. This is called a straw man. Learn what it means already.