godbud vs stink Buggs!!

joe godbud

Hey rollitup!! First thread here (newbie) So bare with me if I'm doing this thread wrong or whatever but yes I had my tent stored in attic and had few stink bugs in it no biggie then I found out how they can multiply- _- jus wondering are they a big threat ?? Don't see leaves eaten only little black wet specs only seen 3 specs but I kill them everyday and next day bam 5 or 6 more bugs..any ideas to kill them off??? Thanx!



Well-Known Member
Did you search at all? Neem Oil will get rid of them. I spray all my plants with it throughout Veg and in early flower. It doesn't kill the existing bugs, it just prevents them from reproducing. I had issues with spider mites and it took a week and a half of treatments, but after that I've yet to have any type of bug in my grows.

joe godbud

Yeah I heard since there hard shelled it wouldn't work but haven't tried..there's not a lot of bugs they just hide good I guess but I'm going to try that today.. any ideas on spreading tops out to get more light penetration? Don't wanna break limps they feel really stiff


Well-Known Member
The black spots you see are stink bug sting marks. These bugs are not good to keep around. I've heard they hate cilantro. I don't think your too late for a neem spray, but I wouldn't push it much farther. I would use Azamax at this point because it doesn't have the strong stench of pure oil.

If you get through this you need to do some serious pest control to get rid of those bastards.


Well-Known Member
They will destroy your plants, get the plants out of there and spray them with neem. If you can use a bomb in the attic that would be great, leaving the tent open. Make sure you plants don't go back in the attic for at least 8 hours after the bomb.

joe godbud

I just had tent stored in attic.. have it set up in my room. Today ima take plant out and spray and kill lol just sucks cause tent has 1000000 flaps and i can tell they like to. Line up under.them.. hope it works really want to see what godbud will be like only grew autos this my first non auto plant thanx!!


Well-Known Member
I hate those little bastards! They were getting in my tent too. Be sure and cover air intake with nylon stockings. Just check your area well before closing up for day. The room my tent is in is kept at 66 F, any warmer than that They come out in Hugh numbers. Good luck.