Goin' to Amsterdam - Best places for seeds? Varieties? Limited Vertical Space tips?


Active Member
Hi! I posted this in Newbie Central yesterday, and got no answers. Maybe I'll have better luck here...

OK, so I've done a little bit of personal growing with random cast-off seeds from bought weed and their clones - it's been an odd bunch, with some clearly looking Sativa and others looking obviously Indica, with little in between... but that's neither here nor there. I feel like I've got a handle on basic bubbler systems under a 400 W HPS, and I'm itchin' to grow a few strains with fairly different characteristics (say, one "sex" weed with a good sensual stone, another "get up and go to a show" weed, and another "sit around, talk, and laugh out loud" weed). I'm thinking AK-47 sounds enticing, and am open to suggestions on the others.

I'm thinking that I'll set up a ScrOG cycle (I have very limited vertical space - maybe 28 in.) where I can harvest three plants (one of each variety) at a time and have another 6 (two of each) at different stages of flowering.

Somewhat coincidentally, I'm about to go to Amsterdam for vacation and I figure that I should take this opportunity to buy some seeds; I'm reasonably confident that I can get them back with little trouble.

Should I just be able to ask at any of the coffee houses, or is there some particular reputable place I should go to get seeds? Does this sound like a viable grow plan overall? I'm thinking I'll probably transition from sterlite bubblers to some sort of drip system, but that'll be at my leisure.

Any advice is welcome - thanks!
A lot of the seed shops are online: greenhouse, sensi, flying dutchman, dutch passion, DNA seeds. I have grow sensi seeds with much luck. I think my next seeds will come from dutch passion or greenhouse. Rent a bicycle in Amsterdam, the shops are spread out. Have fun!!!
The hands-down BEST seed bank in Amsterdam is the Sensi Seed Bank. They are absolutely top-quality, state-of-the-art, and have an impeccable reputation in the seed community. The hold the trademark for such strains as Northern Lights, Jack Herer, Hash Plant, and Big Bud. They've been in business for over 20 years, and they've been the recipient of more Cannabis Cups than any other seed seed bank in Holland. Because of their high-profile name and top-quality original genetics, their seeds are quite expensive, with prices that are often more than 50% higher than other seed banks. However, if you are going to be in Amsterdam to buy them in person rather than dealing with a costly middleman, the prices are much lower making them a much more feasible option. I recommend them with no reservations whatsoever.
Great! Thank you so much to all of you, I'm there now and will definitely make sure to check out Sensi, Greenhouse, and Dutch Passion.

i am only an hours flight from the dam try to get over 2 or 3 times a year
goto this link Amsterdam Coffeeshop Directory - Cannabis Coffee Shop Guide print of the amsterdam map
which has every coffee shop on it and enjoy scoring them off as you go see how
many you reach personaly i love the green house central but stay away from
coffe shop brian rip off place and bulldogs(although the hotel in the red light is quite cool)and the grasshopers bad wet weed and generaly pish but enjoy you will just
want to keep going back


And for great hash, you should check out the Blue Dolphin. It's just north of the Leidseplein on one of those small cross streets opposite the one that the Rokerij is locaed on. And while your near the Leidseplein, spend some time chillin at the Rokerij... it's my favorite chill place to relax... great atmosphere and vibe. Then you can continue north away from the Leidseplein and hit up the Dampkring on Handboogstraat. It's another coffee shop with an awesome selection. Dammit, I wish I was going back to Amsterdam. I love that fuckin place :-D
Thanks for the directory, Huggie! I'll keep that URL handy and definitely try to visit the Grey Area.

LOL, Rolla! We're in the Hotel Quentin, so we've hit Blue Dolphin a couple of times already - great place!! I'm not looking much at hash right now because I want to choose seeds, but their Northern Lights was very nice - I see why NLs are such big genetic components of popular strains! The White Dolphin was pretty cool, too.

We actually went to the Dampkring too, and tried Sour Diesel, Jack Herer, and Cheese... but we also witnessed a bunch of middle eastern immigrants rousting a hippie from his seat there (and then rolling some tobacco, grrrr), which kinda sucked. Couldn't follow what was being said (in Dutch), but it was pretty clear what was going on.

Thanks! I love this city - it's not Austin, but they're definitely city-soulmates!
LOL, Rolla! We're in the Hotel Quentin, so we've hit Blue Dolphin a couple of times already - great place!! I'm not looking much at hash right now because I want to choose seeds, but their Northern Lights was very nice - I see why NLs are such big genetic components of popular strains! The White Dolphin was pretty cool, too.

Oh, I know the Quentin well. Nice little place right off the Leideplein. How about that staircase though?? Not fun when they stick you on the top floor :-D Have you hit the Rokerij yet? That is, hands down, my favorite coffee shop. I just love the chill indie vibe and the comfortable lounge area in the back. It's a great place to just go get "lost" for the day in. Anyway, sounds like you've got all the basics covered, so enjoy the rest of your trip, and drop us a few updates as you continue exploring.
T.H. Seeds has got some new stuff check them out in the center. The guy who runs it all Adam has a pretty nice rep.
just mail them to yourself, carying them over borders is a bad idea, and make sure to get a bunch of different kinds and many seeds of each, because there cheeper there then to order them online, send them in a couple different packages at different times just in case one doesn't make it.

greenhouse seeds, sensi seeds, paradise seeds, (and for the conasure) soma seeds i think is also in the dam, soma has some of the "sex" weeds you talk about and all the other strains are also top notch, but his strains are genraly lower in yeild and higher in quality.
Wow! What a trip. We're still recovering from the jet (and herbal) lag.

For the moment, I'll say that I decided to stay just with Sensi Seeds, and I chose Black Domina (for the mostly Indica), Silver Haze (for the mostly Sativa), and Ed Rosenthal Super Bud (for the wild-ass shoot-the-moon crapshoot hybrid) as my three strains. I was strongly tempted to go with NL or NL 5 x Haze instead of Silver Haze, but my SO loved Silver Haze so much that I had to use my "Sativa High" slot for it. We also tried straight Haze but it kicked our asses too hard so we decided to pass it by.

One major bummer: the Sensi Seeds guy told me that most of the coffeeshops can't be trusted in what they call their product (obviously, people like the Green House and the more reputable ones are okay), some just take any ditch weed and call it by popular names. I was also completely unable to find anyone even claiming to have Black Domina, so it's kind of a crap-shoot too, based mostly upon Jason King's description.

The Sensi guy said that they used to have a coffesshop just for this reason, but that they were a couple of hours late to renew their license ("Damned stoners," I thought, half-amused).

Bringing the seeds back we were first going to mail them with some tulip bulbs, but after all the stuff about US health certs for the bulbs we decided just to carry them back with us... it was no big deal, we split them up and I made a little package out of masking tape that fit in the battery compartment of my camera while my SO put the same kind of package in the lining of her luggage.

I hit just about every coffee shop I've seen named anywhere (except for Barney's), even if it was just to read their menu. The Rokerij was really nice, really mellow - and it was right next to the club where the Austin people were jamming. We went back to the Dampkring another time and had a good time. We also really liked the Green House.

We weren't really into Blue Jay, Grasshopper's, and a ton of other random places we stuck our heads in.

We hung out at Dolphin's the most, and saw the barista really flip out at some jerks who ignored the "no tobacco" signs. It started with, "What, I have to bring you drinks and then read for you, too??" and escalated from there - it was glorious, the Dutch really don't hold back when they're annoyed.

And GOD is free (working) WiFi hard to find in Amsterdam! Half the places that said they had it didn't have it functioning just then, even at Dolphin's it only worked the first day.

I had a blast - I'll post more later (and maybe do the grow-log thing), but I do want to say thank you for all the advice!