Going a Trip, how long can plants live with minual sun?

I have a extremly unexpected trip happening, I will be gone 10 days, I have Nowhere to put my plants at all, as someone will be house sitting, I dont have a timer and cant get one as I am leaving asap...
I will be gone 10 days, I have a couple plants all over a month old, 2 are in the last weeks of flower the rest are in veggie state.
I have one room in the house, with 1 small window, the window is at the top of the room, its 17 inches tall and about 35 inches wide.
The plants would be about a foot below that window. So that light isnt going to hit them to much, its 12/12 here light wise.
Do you think they will live 10 days in that condition?
Ive been growing outdoors in pots, soil is pretty good here so ive never had to feed them before..
Do you think they would hold up? or probably no?


Well-Known Member
If I understand correctly, you're moving them outdoors to indoors with limited light and no feeding?

The dark will not kill them, but will really slow down any growth, though it could stress them to finish quicker maybe?

I'd be more worried about going 10 days with no water. Doubt they can survive that...


Well-Known Member
ehh dont worry about it. i put white widow plants in NO light and give them no food or water other than my flush for 7-10 days before harvesting and the only difference is way more trichs.

i would just give them a really good watering/feeding as your heading out the door.
Yes you are correct, I have been keeping them outside, and plan on bringing them inside while I am gone.

I'd be more worried about going 10 days with no water. Doubt they can survive that...
well I live in a very very humid place, so typically I only water about once a week. Seems like when I water more than that, they start having problems.

ehh dont worry about it. i put white widow plants in NO light and give them no food or water other than my flush for 7-10 days before harvesting and the only difference is way more trichs.
wow Zero light/ water for 7 days?? Are you serious? Where you traveling, why did you do that?


Well-Known Member
Yes you are correct, I have been keeping them outside, and plan on bringing them inside while I am gone.

well I live in a very very humid place, so typically I only water about once a week. Seems like when I water more than that, they start having problems.

wow Zero light/ water for 7 days?? Are you serious? Where you traveling, why did you do that?
its a little trick you can do with the white widow and maybe other strains?? never tried it with anything else other than white widow and only because the breeder recommends it during the last 2 weeks to get the plant to frost up nicely. i was a little worried about trying it and checked it every day but it really showed NO difference at all other than frostier buds. wasnt traveling, just following breeders instructions.
its a little trick you can do with the white widow and maybe other strains?? never tried it with anything else other than white widow and only because the breeder recommends it during the last 2 weeks to get the plant to frost up nicely. i was a little worried about trying it and checked it every day but it really showed NO difference at all other than frostier buds. wasnt traveling, just following breeders instructions.
wow thats really interesting ive never heard of that before. Thats awsoem it worked.
So do you think my plants will be ok? I considered just placing them deep in my yard, but the issue is we are going to have a lot of heavy rains, and then there are the bugs ect ect... Do you think they will be alright with almost no sun even though some are still in the veggie state?


Well-Known Member
well unless your having to water them every couple days they should be fine! if you want you could take something like a 1 or 2 liter bottle, cut the bottom off and poke some holes in the cap and stick the cap down into the soil. it'll give the a slow release watering while your gone. if they are old enough to show sex then you'll be coming back to flowering plants for sure outdoors.