Yes, even the enclosures and powder coating. It's all rather fun except I'm starting to get tired of drilling and tapping the heatsinks. I've learned recently that a tap bit will eventually wear out and break even with proper use and lubrication. I think around 500 6mm holes is about all they can take. Unfortunately I didn't count and will probably end up breaking a bit again before it's all over.
If I ever switch to 3rd party manufacturing I will most likely have to redesign the lights. I'm going to guess nobody will want to drill and tap holes down the side of a heatsink, but I could be wrong.
I recently built a hot wire cutter to reduce the styrofoam sheets to proper sized strips for packaging. It took forever to find a local source of styrofoam. The first place told me they phased out styrofoam sheet and only used air pillows and peanuts. I contacted several other packaging places and got contact numbers and talked to people... who never called me back or tried to talk me into bringing my product in and using this machine that twists paper up or some other nonsense. I don't want paper, can you sell me styrofoam or not? Finally I called a place I had previously went to in person (and was told they don't have styrofoam sheets) and asked to talk to a manager who promptly hooked me up with some styrofoam. They had 200 sheets sitting in their warehouse the whole time. I suspect being a small company and asking for 10 sheets to start with put some of them off. Bitches. One guy told me they had styrofoam and wanted me to have them cut it up. I told him I would be cutting it myself. Never heard from him again after leaving several messages.