going from 400 to 1000 watt ??


Well-Known Member
hey guys, aint around much cuz all i have for internet is my phone but i have a question. I have 5 weeks left till harvest, been using a 400 watt hps. I have a chance to get a 1000 watt hps. Question is would it be of any advantage switching to the 1000 with only 5 weeks left, or is it still early enough to do me some good?


Well-Known Member
It would rock them Hard. I say do it, plenty of time left. Just remember not too get them so close as you did with the 400.


Well-Known Member
that's the answer i was hoping for. Been averaging a couple oz's per plant with the 400 hoping to tighten up the buds some. Heat wont be an issue. Guess i'll go see my buddy after work and pick it up.