going/growing commercial


Well-Known Member
well I'm not new to the game but nor am I a veteran.... I've got a dozen grows under my belt by now. but everything I've done and learned has been on my own as I'm not a West Coast guy so there's no helping hand or mentor. I started out in garbage cans Fox Farm and landed In flood tables of hydroton net pots... Anyways, I started out in a spare bedroom with two lights and moved into a basement needless to say I reinvest and now I have 8 to 12 lights running depending on the time of the year. I would have more but I don't like house fires LOL but like all Americans, and dr. Martin Luther King jr. I have a dream and I'm currently complacent so here's what I was thinking...

32,000 Watts housed in a 4000 square foot facility. With two separate flower rooms each with its own 5 ton mini split, burner, dehumidifier ect I will also need two separate 200 amp boxes....

now I know there's a lot I'm not thinking of but I'd like to hear it from some of you first preferably who have something similar.

I'm pretty sure I crossed all my tees and dotted all my eyes but I know somethings will come up... so any insight would be appreciated.

one issue is I would like to run one room only but the initial Spike in power concerns me, do they have large I mean giant light controllers that correct this issue?

also I was thinking about going to 12" scrubbers. in using ozone generators near my entrance/exits.

lastly I'm currently using tables in my basement but I don't think that the best idea for this I was thinking large trees in 20 - 30 gallon Coco pots on a drip system, which is one of the few things I've never used before.

please feel free to comment, give advice, criticize, be jealous and Hate...

Till next time.

peace, love & respect

I feel the same way but tending to 32 lights is a full-time job in itself. the bowl trimmer won't cut it anymore. I was looking into those Tumbler trimmers
we used a tornado on our outdoor grow saved us a bunch in labor , but lost a lot of valuable keef


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I'd check out Solis Tek, they have ballasts that stagger when programmed together. I've heard they're really top of the line stuff so expect to pay a premium, but this would definitely help you with energy spikes.
I'd run 16 on first 12 hours and the other 16 on the second 12 hours . I know a guy who knows a guy who might know a guy with a similar size building. Not 32k watts though, there isn't enough power for it. Nanolux has that cloud controller sort of like the gavita where they fire up at half juice and over a half hour or hour they get up to full power.. Honestly I don't think you should be worried about your draw if you have two 200 ampers. 5 ton Ac isn't going to do 16 lights from what I know.. More scrubbers the better.. One in front office .. 3 in each room.. One in shop
Area .. One in nutrient area . Ozone gens too. Bigger pots is a good idea but I wouldn't do a drip system for large pots. Why not hand water? May I ask how much your budget is for this?

They have 16 light controls that start 4 lights at a time. I believe its 4 a min....

Now I already have alot of equip. But these minisplits are going to kill me. Being 8k total.

Can't I just run one unit with dual zones? I run 11/13 anyways. Or would that kill the unit? Prolly freeze up and overheat my garden im guessing lol.

Also you mean twister? How fast r those boys? 6k? Ouch...
Is this legal, or illegal? Basement or house? What are you doing with all that weed, and how will you dry and cure it? And you better be prepared to deal with some SERIOUS power bills, and you better have some SERIOUS customers that will buy ALL your product MONTHLY, or you will go broke.Have fun