Going into flower sweet tai and Purp bagseed


Okay so I just flipped my girls to flower yesterday. Hit them with some more ff grow big and gonna skip nutes next water then hit the with foxfarm grow big+big bloom. Gonna do water\nutes\water\nues? Going to wait on adding tiger bloom until white pistils are showing. I'm using a 150w to master the basics so my plants are small but they are topped,lst'd and supercropped to get max tops. I'll have pics up later tonight. Temps are 77-81 light on and 65-70 light off humidity is 35%. They are still small cause of all the training but I flipped them cause I know the stretch will be big on the thai. Any advice or comments much appreciated.
i have 2 in my flower room, they each stretched more than 12 inches each. excellent strain, last one i grew was 10.2 oz/plant. and these are much bigger.... i'm hoping for 12-14 oz. and the smoke is excellent!! they like to be fed, so don't be shy, but if your using fox farm... start at half strength... i found the fox to be a bit harsh at full strength. hope this helps!!


Ah thanks! That's what I'm hoping to do and hope to harvest at least and ounce or two off these id be happy. Especially with thai strain excited to try sweet seeds


Ive grown sweet tai good strain clear heady high sharpens your senses you'll enjoy did a lil breeding project with it and power Africa from seedsman with a kush bagseed male when im able to post some pics ill have em up up plus im over do on staring a journal but definitely gonna follow subbed


Well thanks I appreciate it. I'm excited to see how these turn out my 2nd grow a lot better going than my first. Do you know if she's a heavy feeder? Seems to like more nitrogen during veg and if I can keep the colas low and close to th light and get a decent yield I'll be super happy


week and a few days for mine still waiting on sex these are the power africa sweet tai crosses i made accept for one


What's does anyone think about lst'ing them the whole way thru flower? I'm not sure how to build a small scrog or I would


image.jpgDay 5 since flip. Fed both grow big plus big bloom diluted in ph 6.5 water. First pic is supercropped branch on sweet tai what a knot! Other are thai canopy and height, then Purp bagseed canopy and height. Then overall pic, I'm hoping to keep the stretch to a minimum if possible.



Okay so week into flower not much has changed. Starting to see some of the undergrowth stretch towards the lights and trying to keep the plants lst'd so they stay small and the light can penetrate the canopy as best and close that I can get it. I'm gonna rearrange the wiring keeping the plants lst'd to work tem around for more even growth. Any comments or questions is appreciated I believe ill jut keep this going as my flowering journal.


image.jpgOne week into flower they reaching for the sky (stretching) I'm keeping them lst'd and defoliated on the undersides that's aren't getting light. But since it's flower I'm not removing much at all. 1st pic Purp bagseed and next pic sweet thai



Update** day 12 since the flip. Both plants are breasting towards the light. Lst'ing the branches allowing the secondary growth to stretch to match the tops for an even canopy is what I'm doing to have lots if tops instead if popcorn undergrowth. Hitting them with grow big and big bloom. Starting to see white pistils coming out gonna start tiger bloom soon to start makin the buds from better. Any advice on when I start ff tiger bloom exactly? Sorta confused exactly when to start it.


Week 2 flower today gonna water with just ph'd 6.5 water and maybe add a couple drops of grow big and bloom diluted in thai since it's such a nute whore


Well they are still stretching not as much or as fast before. Gettig a lot harder to lst does anyone have any ideas of what to do thru flower? This is what I'm working with it's not a height constraint it's a light penetration constraint. Should I let them go? Or keep thr
trained throughout flower any advice is appreciated image.jpg


So I've decided to try and keep the branches lst'd thru flower as far as I can. They really aren't going to be very tall as much training as I've done but I've got the
light within 8-10 inches and they aren't showing any signs of heat stress. They are starting to bud but I was told they need to quit the stretch before I hit them with the tiger bloom. Then if I can keep
them happy with the flowering nutes and give them a nice 3 week flush I think we should have a decent harvest. Since I'm getting no responses I may not keep this up much longer, we will see tho.

