Going kookoo for coconut grow

allen bud

Active Member
Atemptting first grow soilless useing coconut fiber.Idea started when i got new fiber grow pelets instead of jiffy pellets.Home depot
also has blocks of expandable cocopeat(cocopeat is what i will be calling it)and so i said i can do this!
Ok I am off to take pics and get together notes for next report with full info from start.


Well-Known Member
Cool..... I'm in the same coconut...... my next grow will be all COCO............. Sooooooo Lovin It!
Soil is outdated now!

allen bud

Active Member
Ya!! Im hopeing it works out . just got to pay attention to
her and I think ill get it..lol..Soil is going to be a thing of the
past...lol..ocean forest does kick ass tho lol

allen bud

Active Member
Ok finaly I can get this rolling..so sorry sbout the wait,so lets go

3rd week now in coco and doing real well,a little pale but good
@2 weeks she went into the coco and got her first nutes...
1 tsp GH organic 1-1-1 grow base
2 tsp FF grow

The second week was strait ph'ed water

This being the 3rd week i will do same nutes again
A few pics .When i water tomarrow i will get more pics and details..DSCF1454.jpgDSCF1456.jpgand a blue hash with 4 more weeks:-P:-PDSCF1455.jpg