Going on Holiday for 12 days while in flower

Firstly, hello, I've been reading on riu for a while and have learnt a Sh*t load of info since starting out my grow! Being that this is my first post be gentle :wink:

So too get you all up to speed....

I'm currently on my first grow, all CFL (16*23w) from seed (3 'spare' fem seeds from a successful mates grow). Two popped and they are Apachio Gold (not herd of?) and big bang.

Veg'd for a cool 2.5 months on 18/6 and now Currently 2.5 weeks into flower (12/12). The Big Bang stands and 2.5 foot tall and the gold was given a n00b LST attempt that worked out great! Both looking beautiful! (Photos to come :razz:)

To the point...

So as the title suggests I have been lucky enough to be given a 12 day holiday at short notice over the xmas period and since it's gunna cost me jack I can't say no....

The Dilemma is that my grow is in my room, in a enclosed closet and with me gone for 2 weeks I have no options for watering and probably more importantly venting the room (window shut, no vents, extraction etc) I currently come home after work and just open the window. I'm also going to have to keep the closet closed as it wont be light tight otherwise!

My thought is that I could just hack a hole in the back and vent the closed closet to my room but with the next few weeks planning to be pretty stinking it's all going to end up in the closed room and I don't wanna risk it with the neighbours or whoever else is close by....

I'm concerned i'm going to come back and have some dead half done crop, please help me, someone else must have experiance of leaving their girls during flower?

Any advise welcome!

Bit more info:

Room: Approx 10ftX12ft
Closet: Approx 7.5 ft (height) * 2ft (depth) * 2.5ft (width)
Lights: 16 * CFL
Temps reach 28C MAX during the lights on period and window closed
1 Oscillating fan


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I have no useful advice for you. Quite a predicament. I would not leave them for 12 days. The biggest problem from the plants perspective is going to be watering. They will be toast in 12 days. From the homes perspective, you are using electricity in a small area with different devices. I wouldn't be comfortable leaving that for 12 days without checking that everything is in proper working order.
Sorry, I have no useful advice for you. Quite a predicament. I would not leave them for 12 days. The biggest problem from the plants perspective is going to be watering. They will be toast in 12 days. From the homes perspective, you are using electricity in a small area with different devices. I wouldn't be comfortable leaving that for 12 days without checking that everything is in proper working order.
I appreciate the input either way. On the lighting side I've got all CFL's (23w) each with their own wired plugs on 1 timer (extention leads are surge protected) and each plug has a fuse. I'm no electrician but I don't think this is a large electricity pull in total?

worried :(


Active Member
google this unit, The Oasis Complete Self Watering System is the one-of-a-kind definitive solution to the problem of watering houseplants when away from home - whether for short or long periods of time. Equipped with an electronic timer and bi-stable solenoid valve, the Oasis guarantees efficient calibrated water delivery to your plants for the entire program. The unit is completely independent and safe; no faucet or electrical connection needed. It doesn't have to be used in a contained area; it can be used independently to water houseplants. The Oasis has 4 independent watering programs. it's around 60 bucks.



I never tried it but heard of people using IV drippers to water. as for vent, vent it under house through floor at end of vent pipe loosly fill with bounce takes smell out. know bounce works did it.