Going on third weeks budding

Well 86 is not too bad, shouldn't be a problem really. This picture is what led me to think you have a heat issue. The leaf edges curled up and jagged tips lifting up. I'm certain its a result of dryness. Dryness usually caused by high temps. The other thing that would cause this is windburn combined with low RH. Maybe the fan blowing dry warm air from the hood/light/ballast to hard on em? anyway thats the main thing I saw right off the bat leading me to believe it was too hot in there. just trying to help you make sure those girls dont outgrow your space before they're done (those are big nice looking ladies), and i thought putting the light closer would cook em.
The first3 weeks of flower is when they really shoot upwards, after that they should stop stretching so much and start to fill out. So taking that into consideration, you might be in good shape there man. They'll prolly take 7 weeks+ to finish though.
I meant 7 MORE weeks. And 90.7 is more along the lines of what i figured....tooo hot!

I didnt want to here that. I was happen 8 weeks total. what makes you think that?
I heard that if you harvest early its a energetic high and if you harvest late its more of a relaxed high?
Indicas...8- 10 weeks. Sativas 10-12. Yours looks like a mix to me. so i figure 10. 3 down 7 to go. Your right about the high(s). Another thing i've personally noticed is that while I really like the high of an early bud, it is not a long lasting high. I like to harvest at about 30% clear 50% cloudy, and 20% amber. Ish lol
You don't have to harvest all at once! you might chop the top early and let the bottom go longer. You have plenty of time to figure it out lol
Nothing sorry. but apparently lots of folks do it without problems. I've been real happy with the quality of my smoke and I'm perfecting my cloning methods as we speak. I may never have to order seeds. I grow the rare seed my friend finds in his "kindbud". I've been getting nearly 80% females. I have 3 flowering (week 4) right now. 2 i have no idea what they are, but they're COVERED in trichs. The 3rd one i recognize from a previous grow and I'm so glad to see its destinctive features again because its some of the best stuff I've ever smoked! There is a seed/ supplier review thread around here somewhere?
I'm real proud of my 1st grow and how far I've come since then. I owe it all to RIU. I practically been living here LOL.
This might work. Its been on for four hours already and its temps been crepon up its 84.6. My humidity is still to high. I would'nt think it would be high, the closet walles are concret over chicken wire. what can i do?
Here is some pics i just took.


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my grow room is around 81-84 and i havent had a heat issue yet. my last grow was around 88 before i got my ac and i didn't have a heat issue than that was noticeable. you could get a portable ac for your grom room
I seam to be losing leafs on the bottom of my plants. when i was picking them off i found this one. Can any one tell me what caused this?


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If thats from the bottom...no big deal really. As long as it doesn't spread upwards too fast. The plant took Nitrogen (a mobile element) from that leaf to use elsewhere (up higher making buds). So Getwrecked is right dont cut it off. there was still N left in there the plant could have used. The plant choose that leaf to take N from because it was down low not getting any light anyway. In a situation like that I cut off just the single BLADE of the leaf that is all dried up and leave the rest. if it gets bad check PH and feed with N & P.
If thats from the bottom...no big deal really. As long as it doesn't spread upwards too fast. The plant took Nitrogen (a mobile element) from that leaf to use elsewhere (up higher making buds). So Getwrecked is right dont cut it off. there was still N left in there the plant could have used. The plant choose that leaf to take N from because it was down low not getting any light anyway. In a situation like that I cut off just the single BLADE of the leaf that is all dried up and leave the rest. if it gets bad check PH and feed with N & P.

I see, that makes cense. Yesterday was the first time i noticed that i was loosing leafs(Two hand fulls). That one came off while i was trying to tack a pic if it.

Know when these budds get heavy i am going to have to prop them up??
It would be a lot easyer if I had room to work around these ladys. Im in the proses of finishing my addition. I am seriously thinking about moving out of the closet.

Here is photos i took this morning. my light is up all the way. My plants are 16 inch away from the light.


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Wow. Gettin close huh? Heavy buds that you have to prop up is a good problem to have! LOL You might. And I won't feel sorry for ya!
Back to the cooltube for a moment....from what i 've read you can get to within 6-8 inches of it without plant damage. So you do the math. If you think its worth it or easier than moving out the closet or....IDK. And just throwing this out there cuz i dont do hydro, but could you move the plants into a shorter res?? To save a few inches? Now I'M reaching lol. Plants look good though!
Wow. Gettin close huh? Heavy buds that you have to prop up is a good problem to have! LOL You might. And I won't feel sorry for ya!
Back to the cooltube for a moment....from what i 've read you can get to within 6-8 inches of it without plant damage. So you do the math. If you think its worth it or easier than moving out the closet or....IDK. And just throwing this out there cuz i dont do hydro, but could you move the plants into a shorter res?? To save a few inches? Now I'M reaching lol. Plants look good though!

I looked I couldnt find anything that lid would fit on, its a 10 gallon. I should have ordered a 7 or 8 off line. I already moved the shelve once before, up 20 inches. There is still 10 inches from the celling to the shelf. I couldnt us a studd finder to find the bottom of the rafters so i rased the shelf. I wasn't expecting it to be a tall breed.

Soon i will have a 14x14 room to grow in. I want to be able to house 8 in veg with 6 flowering. How big would the space have to be?
This is what i am vegin in. I didnt think that the emily garden was going to be big enough to flower in so i started to use the 10 gal for flowering. I through in pic of four of the 9 males from my first batch, one female.


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Nice. You bring up a good advantage to buying seeds.....you know what to expect as far as plants size and flowering duration etc...I've been growing Mostly short bushy indicas. I had one tall sativa, And one i have now is mostly (I think) sativa. Not knowing exactly what you are growing does make it much more difficult. So as far as how much room you need....? I would say MORE than you think LOL.
If you make a decision on buying seeds, I'd appreciate finding out how you make out with it. I've been checkin out some strain reviews and i really like the sound of 1- Blueberry. 2-NYC Diesel, and 3-the popular AK-47.