Going on third weeks budding

I never tried the 2 days of darkness thing. Supposed to make more resin or somthing i guess? I've also heard of 2 nights of really cold temps just before harvest too. Again for a resin "explosion". lol
IDK...there is a lot of hogwash out there. Its hard to tell whats best sometimes. I try to stick with whatever I see as being the most natural.
The scope is definitly a nice tool to have. I'd be lost without mine.
what do u all know about rhino rex? I got my hands on two clones . I heard its like a big yeild straind. I tried to find the straind online and couldnt find anything. what is rhinorex?
what do u all know about rhino rex? I got my hands on two clones . I heard its like a big yeild straind. I tried to find the straind online and couldnt find anything. what is rhinorex?
Never heard of it. I see a lot of people growing White Rhino. But I have not been overly impressed by what I've seen of it. Its a short & bushy plant. Probably related to Rhino rex somehow.?
I got no results on google for rhino rex but "rhino rx" got some hits. It's probably an engineered medical strain. Good luck with it.:joint::peace:
more pics, its on the top only.


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Doh! Its hard to tell with the lights on. I think you might be right. If you think its a calcium def. thats easy to fix. hit it with some epsom salt, or calmag. It will take affect quickly. You should see a difference in 2-3 days. If its not that, no harm done.
I go to the pictures on this page for comparison > http://www.ganjaguerrilla.net/index.htm
here if this dont work i might have to put my mh on them so u can see.


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do u think it could be spiter mits
OMG dont say that ! LOL the pavement outside my house is crawling with them! I've been scared to death that they're going to get in here! Little red bastards.
If you've got them you should be able to see some. Look on the undersides of the leaves. You have a whole jungle to search thru! You'll see em quick if you start lookin tho. luck.....
I am using a magnifying glass and i cant see anything. know all i am cheching is the leafs with the issue, i dont see any spiter mits
know one of my friend says ph blocking. i have been running my ph at 6.5 to6.8 and have had no issues intel know. know dude at my hydro store is telling me that this hard water has extra calcium and magnesium, check my ph its wrong. hmmmmmm
know as far as heat. it stays at 82 i have been keeping my door open with my window fan at the top blowen in and out. so i dont think it would be that. know the other thing i have been doing different is co2, thous cartridges spray out when u set them off. if they got on my leafs would it do that.
know as far as heat. it stays at 82 i have been keeping my door open with my window fan at the top blowen in and out. so i dont think it would be that. know the other thing i have been doing different is co2, thous cartridges spray out when u set them off. if they got on my leafs would it do that.
But you said its more just the tops? IDK about the co2. maybe chill out with that for a few. make sure you PH is straight 1st off.
i was told that u can check ur ph with a droper system with nuts in the water and if so here it is.


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i was told that u can check ur ph with a droper system with nuts in the water and if so here it is.
thats to low. what i realy need is a good tester. i guess i could do up a jug and test it and then add my nuts and test it again. the nuts wouldnt bring down the ph.?