Going on vacation 8 days after harvest- what to do?


Well-Known Member

So I have a few LR2s... anyway I'll be going out of town for 9 days about 8 days after my harvest date. I presume things should be dry by then, but traditionally this would be the time to cure. I won't be around to open the jars or anything, so should I let them continue to air dry during that time, or should I put the mostly dried buds in the freezer to cure later? Or should I put it in airtight jars and not worry about it?

Another question- if I want to use the leaves & trim for butter, should I dry them out? Or just freeze them?



Well-Known Member
its kinda a personal prefrence but i have way to much to mess with all at once so i put my 1 week dryed still a bit moist in the fridge till i can get to it im not a big fan of the freezer but hey you can fit loads lol i keep it in 1gallon bags i only cure my head stash watch for moister biuld up/condensaiton it can easley lead to mold the freezer can hurt thc or so ive heard