Going out of town ...nute question


Active Member
So I have two autos starting week 4 . just watered them their first time with nutes at 1\4 strength. I am leaving for about 9 days on friday so I bought watering spikes for them. My question is should I make the batch of nutes for week 5 and start them on that with the watering spike or just use plain water while I'm gone and not use nutes at all? Its the ff trio if your wondering and also have been giving them a TBS of molasses everywatering since week 2. I'm worried that they will get nute burn if I give them nutes 3 days from now but also worried they will get nuts deficiency if I use just water. Also getting someone to water is out of the question.
Id feed em. Dont be scared. Theyre probably growing like crazy right now and its been a month of just water right?

Would you wait until the day he leaves and feed again at 1/4 or 1/2 recommended dose? Then fill the watering spike with ph water? Or fill the water spikes with pH nute water? I'm curious.
In similar situations it has been helpful to keep an extensive grow journal, and hand it off to a skilled gardener for reference while off on a trip. This keeps everything at peak health and minimizes human error or unneeded adjustments that could compromise yield. I wish you luck! 8-)
Would you wait until the day he leaves and feed again at 1/4 or 1/2 recommended dose? Then fill the watering spike with ph water? Or fill the water spikes with pH nute water? I'm curious.

Lol . good question didn't think bout that. Appreciate the help haha . any other input from anyone?

I'm thinking just mix a gallon of nutes at 1\4 strength but watering them with plain water the day I leave