Going out of town. Please help me guess how much longer

Hello Peeps,

I've got a single plant (unknown bagseed strain) that is 2 months old and 4 weeks into flower. My problem is that I will be going out of town for a couple weeks next month and since I don't know the what the strain is I have no educated guess as to when the plant will be ready. The plant flowered very quickly when I switched to 12/12 and I had originally planned on flowering for 7 weeks which would put the harvest date during my trip. I don't mind delaying harvest by a week or so if need be and watering the plant shouldn't be an issue since I have an automated watering system set up but I'm worried about the plants and/or buds growing up into the 250w HPS and burning since I don't have any more room to move the light up and I won't be around to pull them through the screen. Based on the pics below can you provide me with an estimate of how much larger the buds may get during the next 3 weeks and also give me your best guess at how long I have left until harvest? I have a 100x scope and know how to check the trichomes but in this case I want opinions based on looks alone since I am considering harvesting early to avoid having the leave the plants unattended for so long and risk a fire or returning to a dead plant.



Well-Known Member
wait till you get back the plants will be fine. by the time you leave you will have already pulled any buds that need it through the net so you wont have to worry about it. that plant is not going to get very much taller if its already 4 weeks into flower so i dont think it will grow into the light and burn.harvesting to early is worse than harvesting late in my opinion