Going to a shroom hunt today...

grow space

Well-Known Member
Hello, hello fine ppl of riu....

So, I m thinking of going to a shroom hunt to som pastures i know...
Will be looking for these, fine shroomies:

psilocybin mushrooms....I have found only a cople, but i was so late in last season...this will be a perfect time to hunt those....

wish me luck....bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
good luck buddy...its been raining like crazy around here, theyre popping up everywhere

post up if you get some good specimen :peace:

grow space

Well-Known Member
This is my hunt result...
These are picked from europa climate..From a cow pasture...Manure was everywhere(big big pasure), and there were low grass areas and many bigger puffs of grass...
I think these are the real ones..They all looked so mature, and the spore print conducted right in the field was like black, or maybe just a little very dark purple...But more like blackish...

Please ppl of shroom knowing and other experts...Are these the real deal????



grow space

Well-Known Member
Bump...I need advice..
I know that they are really similar, but not the book cover like...But the growing habitat was so perfect and those were the only mushrooms there..Also, these shrooms can variate (as it looks) form climate to climate a little when talking about maturity....


Well-Known Member
there are thousands of types of mushrooms...

yours do not look to be the same as the ones in your initial picture.

grow space

Well-Known Member
there are thousands of types of mushrooms...

yours do not look to be the same as the ones in your initial picture.
Do you know a lot about shrooms....
Im talking about variations....They were picked form the perfect location for those shrooms...

Pls more advice ppl....Dont want to die, if i decide to take them ,but i must be sure that they are the right ones!!!!


Well-Known Member
Not the sensi of shrooms but not all shrooms growing under shit are safe to eat. Sorry i cant say anything about the ones you found though, Just rather not give false info. Good luck.
If these are the Liberty Capps your after all you half to do to find out if it is a true Liberty Cap is just take the shroom and tear it ever so gently and there should be a film like layer that separates from the cap when tearing the gills apart. Happy Triiippin'
OoOoOoOoOo... and the best way to experience these is to boil them strain the shrooms and drink it as tea add some suga or whatever to your liking for taste cause they literally taste like cow shit!
Here is a good vid that shows detail of the shrooms to compare them to and also the music is hella trippy and i know i'm not trippin' but it looks like on the 58 sec of video there is acartoon cat lookin' figure that a appears as a weird looking shadow or sumtin' on the right side