Going to cali

not completely untrue. But this is mostly just because there's enough people growing in populated areas that a market can actually exist for clones.
I tried telling the op. He just looked at me and called me a stupid motherfucker. Just like we just read a few posts up. They are all online. The op is better off coming to California buy 5k work of marijuana and praying he finds a seed or 2.
I live in CA and just order seeds from neptune. With plant limit of 6 and the quality off seeds out there, I don't have time or interest in doing clones. I can just pop a few seeds every 3 months and always have a couple plants going.

Then again, Im a old guy who lives out in the backwoods. I dont know the cool kids with the cool gear.
I'm familiar with seeds in LA shops. Here's what you'll find. i'm not even kidding.

moxie, tga, mr nice, cali connection, and maybe some rare dankenss, dna or rp
That's kind of what I figured. Been trying to see when they drop them but have yet to find any Info on it. I wouldn't even mind buying from someone reselling them but I hear there are alot of fakes out there.
talk to pot smoker there and smoke with them and I bet they would give you seeds to take home.lots of people make there own beans and I bet they would give you free seeds.
nah, you just go to hollywood and start trying to talk to people. They'll smoke with you and give you magical beans to take back to your homeland.
This thread has got way out of hand lol. I'm not looking for bud I'm not looking to spend a ton of money just was looking for some genetics that I cant get in my home state. I'm not going to talk to random people to try an smoke with to find seeds. I have a med card that I hear some places will accept and also rec shops that take people from out of state. I'm going there for other reasons and still plan to stop in some shops while out there guess if I find something then I got lucky if I dont then I'll go to my clone shop in my area and grow something from there like I have been for the last 8 years
Still was a great thread though. craigslist northern california has a guy selling seeds right now. Probably what you are looking for.

How could you trust buying seeds from a guy on craigslist?Could be just hemp seeds and a waste of time and unfortunately would take months of your time to figure that out.
How could you trust buying seeds from a guy on craigslist?Could be just hemp seeds and a waste of time and unfortunately would take months of your time to figure that out.
Did meant rolling hamster you will because marijuana so for that. Just because run to the little after that you have to forfeit. Know what i mean?
How could you trust buying seeds from a guy on craigslist?Could be just hemp seeds and a waste of time and unfortunately would take months of your time to figure that out.
Same thing happens if you buy from Greenpoint, lol.
Have they got there handle on making feminized seeds yet,mostly reg in the states last I looked.
Seriously? Making fem seeds is easy and people have had a “handle” on it for a long time now.
Is this a comment on how MAC apparently smells like White Widow?