Going to my family doctor for Insomia tomorrow


Anything I need do know about? I need to get a doctor's diagnosis before I can go get my mj recommendation letter.


Well-Known Member
Not in Cali you don't. Just go to a clinic that does recommendations and pay them money.


im in Cali, I called my local clinic that does recommendations but they said I need to bring something to proof I have insomnia. Also is $85 too much for a recommendation? I also find places that do it for like $45 but they don't seem to have a doctor around.


Well-Known Member
I have never had to show proof. I did have to wright down my reasons and doctor info. But sence it confidential info they didnt call. they are still bound by doc pat confidentiality. Only thing they can say to anyone is when there called to verify your script if valid. But the only time you do need proof is if you want caltivartor card. 99 plants. This requires you to show proof that surgeries and meds don't work. Or you have a illness the is untreatable. Like HIV. But there are also places that don't care and give them out.


Anything I need do know about? I need to get a doctor's diagnosis before I can go get my mj recommendation letter.
One of the things I use mj for is insomnia. I've tried many different strains, but found some particular indica pills that had like zero psychoactive effect, and knocked me the fuck out, with no hangover the next day. Found them at a dispensary in San Jo called South Bay CRC. They stopped carrying those pills and my life is completely coming apart again. I really wish I knew where those pills were sourced from... at the very least what strain they were from. Absolutely PERFECT remedy. Ambian, Lunesta don't work worth a damn and leave me DEAD tired the next day.

Honestly, smoking flowers kind of helps, but it doesn't do what those pills did. Best of luck. If you find a product that works, let me know, and buy a lot of it because your supply could be interrupted at any moment because the bullshit state of affairs here in Cali.

Also, I had been to a doctor that wanted documentation from another doctor. But the last time I went the doc didn't require that. If you go to a clinic that doesn't have a doctor, you are not getting a real recommendation and will likely be in violation of the law. Make sure you see an M.D.


Well-Known Member
honestly here in cali it doesnt matter 85% of the time(yes made that up), but i just used medicann and if you dont have any documents you only get a 3 month....if you have documents you get a 12 month


Active Member
One of the things I use mj for is insomnia. I've tried many different strains, but found some particular indica pills that had like zero psychoactive effect, and knocked me the fuck out, with no hangover the next day. Found them at a dispensary in San Jo called South Bay CRC. They stopped carrying those pills and my life is completely coming apart again. I really wish I knew where those pills were sourced from... at the very least what strain they were from. Absolutely PERFECT remedy. Ambian, Lunesta don't work worth a damn and leave me DEAD tired the next day.

Honestly, smoking flowers kind of helps, but it doesn't do what those pills did. Best of luck. If you find a product that works, let me know, and buy a lot of it because your supply could be interrupted at any moment because the bullshit state of affairs here in Cali.

Also, I had been to a doctor that wanted documentation from another doctor. But the last time I went the doc didn't require that. If you go to a clinic that doesn't have a doctor, you are not getting a real recommendation and will likely be in violation of the law. Make sure you see an M.D.
Man do you grow your own? If you do, let you flowers go longer to finish. Look at the Trichomes daily around the anticipated time they should finish. Let them get as many Amber colored ones as you can wait for. This will yield a higher quantity of the Cannabinoids that treat Insomnia the best. The higher CBD and CBN as a result of the THC degrading to this in abundance. Myself I do the opposite because I prefer the head high that only THC can give me. Then take you bud and use the cold water method to extract the Trichomes as hash. Get capsules and loading platform to make your own pills from the hash. These can be found on fEE Bay.Just is MHO...


Man do you grow your own? If you do, let you flowers go longer to finish. Look at the Trichomes daily around the anticipated time they should finish. Let them get as many Amber colored ones as you can wait for. This will yield a higher quantity of the Cannabinoids that treat Insomnia the best. The higher CBD and CBN as a result of the THC degrading to this in abundance. Myself I do the opposite because I prefer the head high that only THC can give me. Then take you bud and use the cold water method to extract the Trichomes as hash. Get capsules and loading platform to make your own pills from the hash. These can be found on fEE Bay.Just is MHO...
Yeah man, am growing my first crop. When the LA city council voted to shut down the dispensaries, I said, "fuck this, I'm not going to let some douche bag that doesn't represent the will of the people determine weather I can be healthy or not," and started growing. Not sure if these genetics are going to be helpful for me, just started with the first genetics that were available, see what growing is about. A lot harder than I thought. The indoor that is. Outdoor couldn't be easier, from what I've seen. Indoors, it is fucking crazy being the sun, the wind, the rain, the earth, being predators, being the night. A lot can go wrong indoors, and it can go irrevocably wrong. Kind of stressful (which may be offset by the amount of fun that growing is).

But, I was going over this idea just last night, wondering if I should let the trich's go deep into amber. Was considering a stepped kind of harvest. Harvesting some in the clear zone, some in the milky, and some in the amber, and seeing how effective each are. I'm treating several things right now, but sleep is like a fundamental factor of health that reaches into all areas of our biology. But I'd like some "clear" types of treatment as well.

LONG winded way of asking, is it advisable to harvest a single plant in stages? Is it too much of a shock to a plant to harvest like one cola, and leave another to go into amber?


One of the things I use mj for is insomnia. I've tried many different strains, but found some particular indica pills that had like zero psychoactive effect, and knocked me the fuck out, with no hangover the next day. Found them at a dispensary in San Jo called South Bay CRC. They stopped carrying those pills and my life is completely coming apart again. I really wish I knew where those pills were sourced from... at the very least what strain they were from. Absolutely PERFECT remedy. Ambian, Lunesta don't work worth a damn and leave me DEAD tired the next day.

Honestly, smoking flowers kind of helps, but it doesn't do what those pills did. Best of luck. If you find a product that works, let me know, and buy a lot of it because your supply could be interrupted at any moment because the bullshit state of affairs here in Cali.

Also, I had been to a doctor that wanted documentation from another doctor. But the last time I went the doc didn't require that. If you go to a clinic that doesn't have a doctor, you are not getting a real recommendation and will likely be in violation of the law. Make sure you see an M.D.
Try the Afghani strain. Couch-locks the hell out of me and I have BAD insomnia. I vape it, and it's the heaviest, couch-lockingest strain I've found. Five hits and I'm drooling. Give it a try. Very little hangover if you do it by about 10 p.m.


Try the Afghani strain. Couch-locks the hell out of me and I have BAD insomnia. I vape it, and it's the heaviest, couch-lockingest strain I've found. Five hits and I'm drooling. Give it a try. Very little hangover if you do it by about 10 p.m.
Thanks for the tip man! Do you have a suggestion for a vape? I've got stacks of various different grams here to try out, but I really don't like smoking... I've been meaning to pick up a vape, but the market is so fucked. The prices are ridiculously high on one end, and on the other end, the products seem to be ridiculously bad. I can't believe it costs more to make a decent vape than a clothes drier, or a washing machine, or an oven for crimini's sake.


Well-Known Member
I groe 5-6 different strains and try to keep them 50-50 Sativa and Indicas so I have choices..
You can take some colens and let the rest of the plant mature further w/o hurting it.


Thanks for the tip man! Do you have a suggestion for a vape? I've got stacks of various different grams here to try out, but I really don't like smoking... I've been meaning to pick up a vape, but the market is so fucked. The prices are ridiculously high on one end, and on the other end, the products seem to be ridiculously bad. I can't believe it costs more to make a decent vape than a clothes drier, or a washing machine, or an oven for crimini's sake.
I like the extreme Q over the Volcano. I use a Buddha, but if I had it to do over, I'd get an Extreme Q. Volcano is a ripoff at that price, unless it's solid platinum.


Well-Known Member
im in Cali, I called my local clinic that does recommendations but they said I need to bring something to proof I have insomnia. Also is $85 too much for a recommendation? I also find places that do it for like $45 but they don't seem to have a doctor around.

proof would be a rx pill bottle...

I deal with chronic pain (which will cause tons of lack of sleep) and have been on all the rx mefs for insomnia. Nothing worked. Ambien actually amped me up.

here locally we have a 50$ renewal fee (dr from Fresno comes here a few days a week) new rec are about 100$

for sleep nothing works better then canna caps or some low thc high cbd edibles


Well-Known Member
Try the Afghani strain. Couch-locks the hell out of me and I have BAD insomnia. I vape it, and it's the heaviest, couch-lockingest strain I've found. Five hits and I'm drooling. Give it a try. Very little hangover if you do it by about 10 p.m.

Do you people get pot hangovers??


Well-Known Member
Well, putting in my 2 cents worth here if youse don't mind. I know all about insomnia. I have been making hash capsules for about a year now and it is the only way I get any kind of sleep. I am in 24 hour a day pain (and I refuse to take pain meds so :p I smoke lots and lots and lots of pot) If you go to the cooking forum I believe BadKittySmiles is the top sticky. If you follow her recipes you will not be sorry. I have pain related insomnia and these caps work for me. Ok, most of the time. I am menopausal, so...not sure what area you are in, if you are in mine, I can help you out, if not, just check out the thread and you will be amazed ;)

ps...ambien works for about 2 nights, then I just lay there and twitch all freakin night. Let's not even get into the sleepwaking nightmare stories lol


Well-Known Member
ambien is legal speed!! It never made me tired, had the energy of a 1 year old rabbit for 2 days straight

I have been a legal narcotic pain user for 22 years quit 100% back in may or june... 22 years of all the pain killers in the world did nothing to me like the MMJ has.. my pain reduction has been more then 50% (not working now *retired* so this can be a reason for the larger #)

pain meds cost me over 300$ per mo with dr visit

MMJ cost about 300$ per year with cert. small savings..

I find myself switching use of medibles and smoking.. fellow church goers incl my pastor know I use but I am betting they wont allow me to light up during services... so I use capsules anytime I am away from the house..

one of the downsides on medibles is price... I can smoke 1g with a pipe... I still have to go buy all the crap for oil or cookies or brownies..


Well-Known Member
ambien legal speed? i dunno about that.....good indica strain for insomnia is pineapple express by G13.....that shit is stoney as fuck and makes me wanna go to bed, and i always can....usually only takes me 1 bowl outa my bong, and i have a pretty high tolerance and smoke about 3.5-5g per day


Well-Known Member
I discovered quite by accident that my prescription for serax works as an amazing sleep aid. It's mainly used as an anti anxiety med and its funny cuz it doesn't make you tired really. I take it within an hour of when I want to go to bed, and I'll lay down and think aww this isn't going to work tonight, and that's the last bit I remember! I recommend giving them a try if you never have. Oh yeah zero hangovers from them as well