going to start national guard paperwork today

No offence but I'm not a supporter of anyomous they are listed as a terrorism group and that's not cool.
I have friends that are with them and they have tried to get me to join but

This is how I see it.
Both want the same from you to only serve them. Its that black and white.
There goal is killing the government
The government wants to stop them.

No matter who is in power it will lead to corruption.

I contacted a army recruiter still nothing from other recruiter...I wonder if he's dead.
We held an RIU pig roast a few months ago. There are 6 combat veterans in this picture. It's a brotherhood....

hers is another brotherhood


war = unnecessary evil.
fuck war

civilian casualty ratio

--Some 9 to 10 million combatants on both sides are estimated to have died during World War I, along with an estimated 6.6 million civilians. The civilian casualty rate in World War I is therefore approximately 2:3 or 40%

-- World War II was the most lethal war in world history, with some 70 million killed in six years. The civilian to combatant fatality rate in World War II lies somewhere between 3:2 and 2:1, or from 60% to 67%

korean war
--Korean civilian deaths in the Korean War is 2,730,000. The total estimated North Korean military deaths is 215,000. The civilian-combatant death ratio in the war is approximately 2:1 or more precisely 195%

vietnam war
The Vietnamese government has estimated the number of Vietnamese civilians killed in the Vietnam War at two million, and the number of NVA and Viet Cong killed at 1.1 million — estimates which approximate those of a number of other sources. This would give a civilian-combatant fatality rate of approximately 2:1, or more precisely 182%

''war on terror''
The War on Terror launched by George W. Bush Jr. has led to at least 227,000 people (more than 300,000 according to other estimates). This includes 116,657 civilians (51%)
That's seriously not cool to compare your own people to jihadist.
Seriously what the hell is wrong with you turtle.

You realise if all of us were pussyslike uyou we would be french.
If you wanna be a french pussy go live in France.
Seriously you just lost any respect I had for you after that.
I just joined the Marines in December! MOS is Infantry Recon. I cant want to start...my shipout date is September 22nd! Good luck to ya brother!

Infantry recon is not an MOS you sign up for. Recon is something you get to tryout for. Infantry isn't even an MOS on it's own; nobody is just an 0300. Are you signing up as an 0311? It sounds like your recruiter fed you a line to get you to sign an open 03 contract.