Gold and brown hair after one month of flowering only


Active Member
hi all,, i'm a first timer .... i'm growing 6 supergirls, i started the flowring stage last month (feb 5th) ... one of the girls hair started turning gold and brown already.... is this normal? and if not what i need to do ,,, should i harvest this one or wat?


Well-Known Member
You gotta use a loop/pocket microscope to look at the Trichomes (crystally resin glands) on the buds and leaves... the red hairs are different for every plant, some stay white the whole time, some turn brown, some are blue and stay blue... but they're a bad sign of your plants maturity... trich's start off clear, then gradually turn a cloudy white/milky color, then they get an amber tint... when they start turning amber is the "ideal" time to harvest, but if you pick earlier the high is more energetic and if you pick it later it's more couch lock... if you pick too early you will be VERY disappointed in your smoke, take it from someone who's been there! goodluck!


Active Member
thx guyz for the info...... andyk187 talking about the blue ones, what about one of the plants got normal white hair but the first half for most of the buds leafs is bluesh then the rest is normal green, this plant specially have the least buds