Gold. GOLD!!!!! Gooooollllllllllddddddd!!!!!!!!

Whats happening is all the hype about gold turned out to be exactly that

While you say this China is experiencing the first retail Gold rush in 30 years. It is to bad Americans don't understand what true wealth is. Those pieces of paper printed by the Federal Reserve is just that a piece of paper, just like the paper Gold they use to manipulate the price of the real stuff. If the price of Gold was really based on Supply and Demand the price would be far higher. Mankind has hyped Gold since we first found it and I doubt that will change.
Wasn't a law passed saying if you held x amount of gold you would face a fine and/or 10 year prison time ???

Yeah 10 years in prison 10,000 dollar fine. But you could legally hold up to 5 ounces and then there were certain gold coins that were exempt so you could have lots of those. jewelers and dentists etc could have more with a special permission from govt.

What government did was PURCHASE each ounce of gold for $26 then once it had most of the gold it revalued gold to $35, which DEVALUED the paper dollar by 64% overnight. This increased the holding in dollar terms of the governments gold by a healthy margin which made it possible for government to squander most of it on itself.
While you say this China is experiencing the first retail Gold rush in 30 years. It is to bad Americans don't understand what true wealth is. Those pieces of paper printed by the Federal Reserve is just that a piece of paper, just like the paper Gold they use to manipulate the price of the real stuff. If the price of Gold was really based on Supply and Demand the price would be far higher. Mankind has hyped Gold since we first found it and I doubt that will change.

Why would you try and convince a person with less IQ than a cucumber that gold is a good idea? He wouldn't know a good idea if one landed in his lap, he doesn't think, he is told what to think. Just watch TV, whatever they are saying on TV is what Cheezusheisstupid will say.
The CCC was started by FDR

just because they have "conservation" in the name doesnt mean they restore shit. they build trails into the wilderness (despoiling it according to lefties" so mere kludges can trek out there with their screaming whelps and ruin robert redford's "viewscape") and occaisionally restoration after a fire, replanting trees (but not all diffferent species as gaia intended, so thats even worse, its a forest monoculture!) and ONE time we actually restored a lagoon for a bird sanctuary, but the lagoon had been polluted by the effluent from the Santa Barbara zoo, not industry. let me tell you what baboon shit smells like....

the CCC doesnt actually clean up and restore shit most of the time. i was in 2 years and we did next to nothing to restore nature.

built a shitload of hiking and off road vehicle trails though.

the tulipo craze was a fad. it was irrational. it was modern economics at it's worst. tulips had value bcause somebody said they did, and every jackass who rushed in to buy worthless flowers hoping to become rich through speculation lost his shirt.

the same shit happened with the internet bubble, the housing bubble,, the great speculative bubble that preceded the crash in '29, the speculative bubble that preceded the "correction" in '88, etc etc etc.

when you place value in paper paper can burn up overnight. some things, like land you OWN (not leveraged mortgage security) gold, silver, etc etc etc have value too.

some value is based on utility. steel and things made from it will always have value from utility. even if it's not particularly scarce, rather like food in times of plenty.
some value is based on desirability, like art, diamond, jewels, gold, silver, platinum, good wine, etc. and the scarcer it is, the greater that value
some value is derived solely from it's scarcity, and this is the least useful form of value, particularly if the item so valued can be manufactured through a printing press

anything outside these core rules for determining value is pure speculation, like the asshole who though "New Coke is gonna be hugely popular" or the moron who thought "pet rocks, what can go wrong?"

these fools may make a packet, but if they dont dump that turd on some other dupe, they will lose their shirt.
if you think all wealth is created "Pets dot com" style, no wonder you despise the rich. lucky for you, youre wrong, and you can learn what wealth really comes from before you become bitter and used up like bucky.
just because they have "conservation" in the name doesnt mean they restore shit. they build trails into the wilderness (despoiling it according to lefties" so mere kludges can trek out there with their screaming whelps and ruin robert redford's "viewscape") and occaisionally restoration after a fire, replanting trees (but not all diffferent species as gaia intended, so thats even worse, its a forest monoculture!) and ONE time we actually restored a lagoon for a bird sanctuary, but the lagoon had been polluted by the effluent from the Santa Barbara zoo, not industry. let me tell you what baboon shit smells like....

the CCC doesnt actually clean up and restore shit most of the time. i was in 2 years and we did next to nothing to restore nature.

built a shitload of hiking and off road vehicle trails though.

It's true about the monoculture forests. All the replanted trees in BC are fucked basically because there's no diversity and they are now being destroyed by pests.
Gold is useful in electronics (like those wires that connect the substrates in your LEDs).
And for studying binary Phase Diagrams


I think Eutectic Points are cool...

Meanwhile, if you're really interested in socking some money away into assets, check out this LED story from Forbes...
Meanwhile there's months worth of back orders for physical gold at the major suppliers.
Meanwhile, volume on the Shanghai Gold Exchange reached a record high on April 22, when 43.2 metric tonnes of gold bullion changed hands. That’s a 42% increase in trading volume from April 19. (Source: Shanghai Gold Exchange web site, last accessed April 23, 2013.) China is the second-largest gold bullion purchaser in the world after India.

Similarly, sales of gold bullion at the United States Mint are nothing but robust. So far in the month of April, the U.S. Mint has sold 175,000 ounces of gold bullion in coins. In April of 2012, the Mint only sold 20,000 ounces of gold bullion in coins. Demand for gold bullion coins has increased 775% from the same period a year ago. (Source: United States Mint web site, last accessed April 23, 2013.)

And yet, despite all of this purchasing of hard-asset/sound-money/shiny-rocks the price went which way?
But to be fair... what's a measly 175000 Ozt. compared to a 5.3Mn Ozt. contract on the Comex, right?

Then there was the Tweet yesterday that shaved 100+ pts off the DOW (and sent ripples through all the other markets), which shows how fragile this digitally dominated world of speculation truly is...
It's true about the monoculture forests. All the replanted trees in BC are fucked basically because there's no diversity and they are now being destroyed by pests.

but those are not actually forests, they are woodlots. plus well, you know, canada...

when re-planting after a major burnout, we tried to get a decent mix of native species, and plant them logically, but in the end we wound up with just sequia and yellow pines. we had to make do with what we had.

it looks pretty good now, some 20 years later, despite the claims of the protestors and doomsayers.

yes. we had protestors protestring our replanting of aa 5 mile wide 40 mile long swath of burnt out dead ground, because we were not doing it exactly how they wanted it done.

shockingly enough, 3 or 4 of the protestors went out and got seedlings themselves and came up to plant with us, and we were happy to welcome those smelly hippies. the rest stood back and shouted. a few even ripped up seedlings in the night till they got pwned by the sheriffs dept for vandalism on a national forest.

most of the protestors didnt want to DO something they just wanted to protest something. it was easy and didnt cost them a dime. the 3 or 4 who came up and got to work were solid gold. one was even a botany professor, and he got into a loud "debate" with our forestery boss over where to plant a sugar pine vs a redwood. many lulz were had. it was like a nerd streetfight.
Comex = fraudex.

Every market has crooks at work... That does not mean the market has no purpose. Farmers, particularly, needed the Comex to secure prices for their crops. Perhaps now it is not as important to them (thanks to middlemen and financial intermediaries doing the contract negotiations and legwork).

I try to just see the markets for what they are, and work within those parameters. I used to speculate quite a bit on Juniors from the TSX-V. CROOKS GALORE in that market! You go to the resource conferences and meet these slimy fuckers that run these fly-by-nights, and you can't help but smell the scam...
And still, there are honest people somewhere in that pile of detritus. I suppose that's part of the "fun" of investing; finding those genuine gems.

And there's the rub; if one goes into the market KNOWING the situation, there is less chance of getting ripped off. Of course, one still needs to learn how to spot the rips. That isn't easy, and usually an expensive lesson ;)
most of the protestors didnt want to DO something they just wanted to protest something. it was easy and didnt cost them a dime. the 3 or 4 who came up and got to work were solid gold. one was even a botany professor, and he got into a loud "debate" with our forestery boss over where to plant a sugar pine vs a redwood. many lulz were had. it was like a nerd streetfight.

I would've actually enjoyed seeing that. :lol: