Gold spots on leaves


Active Member
Plants: 3 1/2 - 4 weeks old Pure Power Plant 4- 5 iches tall (got stunted when they were seedlings)
Soil: Pro-mix ultimate organic containing (peat moss, perlite, Lime,sea based compost)
Lights: Cfl 2-3 inches away

Here in the last 3 days about half my plant have been getting goldish patches on the leaves, and some of them have spot on the edge of the leaves that look like it might have been ate or died away. At first i though it was from the lights being to close, so i raised them, but now one of the shortest plants have it developing so I don't think its from the lights. I also looked for any sign of pest and didn't see any.

The plants are healthy and its only effecting a few and not that bad, but it seems to be getting worse. The only thing i can find it looks like is a boron deficiency. I want to slove the problem before it gets worse, When the plants were younger they had problems with crappy soil and bad ph, but perked back up and grew vigorously after transplanting them. Now this is starting to happen.



Active Member
I'm using Disstilled , I thought that might be the case but the soil cam with lime in it and i added a little bit extra to the mix before potting.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
spider mites. look under the leaves for little dots that with a mag loop or glass are mini spiders with spots on the backs. The smallers spots are eggs. They are a bitch. Get some pyrethrin and neem and a little dish soap into a spray bottle and get under the leaves every few days or so until they are gone. It is early so if you hurry it will only piss yu off for a little while. I also managed to rinse mine in the shower.


Active Member
I went and check the grow to day and the problem is defiantly worse it seems to almost doubled over night. I looked under all the leaves and didn't see any thing that appeared to be spider mites, but the damage is seeming to get more consistent with what spider mites do. I'm going to get some insecticide tomorrow to spray them with before the night cycle (its during the day). Here some more pictures. I'd like to confirm its spider mites so i don't waste time on the wrong problem, cause there isn't anything i can see under the leaves that I can see with my bare eyes or any webbing.



Just a word of advice about spider mites....they are hard to see until there are so many of them it's insane... if you have lil tiny white dots, it almost looks like the size of a pin... like someone poked your plant...if you see these lil white dots.... I'm gonna say yeah it's spider mites... it looks like mite damage to me, it's almost like the leaves start to look dirty and dry... it's because they suck the juices out of the leaf. Be persistant if it is, because they are very persistant... don't delay either. Wash your babies! Mites hate water... and treat them but be careful I harmed mine from treatment. don't do nothing drastic.... hope it's not and it is a nutrient def!


Active Member
I check Under the leaves today and really didn't find much evidence of spider mites, I think i found one which i killed. There definitely was some more damage just from the 12 hours since I last checked. I bought some insecticide containing pyrethrins and sulfur, and sprayed them down. I also got a hot shots no pest strip I'm going to put in the box for awhile.

I think some of the problem might be the plants are getting hungry, cause i don't think the soil had much nutes already in it.