Gold Spotting/Calmag?


Well-Known Member
My First full grow so im still new with identifying problems but i do like to do my research before posting.

Bag random seed
day 22
Soil. MG Organic ( was seeded in MG potting as only thing i had available but day 6 eveyrone was transplanted to MG organic soil with 30% perlit.
watered only with 6.2-6.5 ph distilled ( time release ferts been feeding plants. had slight overnute burns but its leveld out )
Ph soil - 6.6 - 7.0 ( having issues with it raising when dry prolly due to salts ) or im tihnking my meter may be bad. going to pickup a new one today at work. its like always saying eveyrthing is 7.0 then flashes a diff number but goes back to 7.
CFL Only setup - 10 23w CFLs

Came home yesterday after work knowing i was going to need to water them. opened my tent to find they where reallllly dry. Like driest ive let them go. But no wilting saying they needed water bad yet. Upon taking them out i noticed alot of my larger fan leave near the top have these golding looking spotting going on all over the plant. These guys where also stretched up to the light really close.i thought mayybe possible light damage but i have a fan directly on the bulbs and i can put my hand as close as i want with no problems. Ive attatched some pics if anyone can help.

Upon doing some researching online its sounding like calmag issue. due to either PH of soil rising or just no feeding of either yet/nutes are used up. I watered with 6.5 last nite. Doesnt look like it has progressed anymore today tho.

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Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If it is a calmag issue... what are some quicker easily obtainable products i can buy to either help supplement calmag and or lower soil ph.

I do have epsom salt, blood meal, bone meal, and unsulfurd molasses.

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
My First full grow so im still new with identifying problems but i do like to do my research before posting.

Bag random seed
day 22
Soil. MG Organic ( was seeded in MG potting as only thing i had available but day 6 eveyrone was transplanted to MG organic soil with 30% perlit.
watered only with 6.2-6.5 ph distilled ( time release ferts been feeding plants. had slight overnute burns but its leveld out )
Ph soil - 6.6 - 7.0 ( having issues with it raising when dry prolly due to salts ) or im tihnking my meter may be bad. going to pickup a new one today at work. its like always saying eveyrthing is 7.0 then flashes a diff number but goes back to 7.
CFL Only setup - 10 23w CFLs

Came home yesterday after work knowing i was going to need to water them. opened my tent to find they where reallllly dry. Like driest ive let them go. But no wilting saying they needed water bad yet. Upon taking them out i noticed alot of my larger fan leave near the top have these golding looking spotting going on all over the plant. These guys where also stretched up to the light really close.i thought mayybe possible light damage but i have a fan directly on the bulbs and i can put my hand as close as i want with no problems. Ive attatched some pics if anyone can help.

Upon doing some researching online its sounding like calmag issue. due to either PH of soil rising or just no feeding of either yet/nutes are used up. I watered with 6.5 last nite. Doesnt look like it has progressed anymore today tho.

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Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If it is a calmag issue... what are some quicker easily obtainable products i can buy to either help supplement calmag and or lower soil ph.

I do have epsom salt, blood meal, bone meal, and unsulfurd molasses.

Thanks in advance!
calcium deficiency shows up on the young leavers first before fan leaves. can hardly tell but is that a fairly young plant only about a foot tall? It almost looks like thrip damage. Silvery scrape marks on leaf surface. You don't see any tiny white miniature maggot looking things on the leaves do you? If its a young plant and those fan leaves are near the top of the plant then I would say calcium is a good guess if their aren't thrips on there.


Well-Known Member
no maggots or pests. nothing on under side of leaves.

these are the fans near the top. so its not the older growth. and not hte normal yellowing between veins like usual cal/mag shows.

a few spots have turned to more of a rust color but most is still this silvery/goldish look. I would say these are more of younger leaves then my lower fans. happening at about the 3/4th node out of 5 nodes.

Thanks for the reply! i might try a small dose of epsom salt in their watering tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Ok just went down again to check on them. the 2 plants are even worse now. I watered last nite, water only 6.5ph. They are bone dry already so soemthing happening that its soaking it up so fast to try and compensate. Soil is spiking 7.4 now?!?! WTF

What can i do to lower? Hard flush on these? im thinking the MG fert shit is still leaching hard and spiking the soil...?

Now im getting worried as it has spread to my large best plant. Or its just getting the same issue now as well.

Plants from last nite: now its even worse, leafs are curled and dried hardcore
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My big guy is starting to get it...
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Still no signs of pests. Its speckled all over hte leaves. pics from big is fairly new growth too. like 2nd to top node, so now im getting worried.

Im going to need to act fast within 24hrs or im really afraid my big guy is going to be as bad as the other.

Im secluding the worst one from everyone. Most likely going to kill it. I cannot fit 4 plants in my tent anyway come flower was vegging 5 to find sex but everyones getting so big. Im just afraid something is spreading.

my big plant deff showing it needs some N so i was gonna give its first feeding today but now im slightly worried to with this issue. I feel like my soil ph is causing this....

any help is GREATLY appreciated!


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
It's not your meter Buddy !

When you water the soil,,,,the pH drops and as it dries out it begins to rise back up. That's how soil pH works.

The crappy soil and timed release nutrition is the problem. That timed release crap is all wrong for MM.

DO NOT attempt to "flush" MG timed release soils. You will only break open MORE timed release "what evers" and REALLY overfeed them!
If your plants are not drooping but the soil is dry? Good, that's how it works,,,watering time!

Ok,,,,how big are the pots and how much are you watering them each day?
Cups or ml, is good, ok?

I water metered amounts everyday at lights on. My soil pH goes down and nutrients are absorbed. As the soil dries, the pH rises,,the ability of some nutrients to be absorbed gets less and some get better till morning when the plant needs water again. This "swing" in the pH is a GOOD thing as it makes all the needed nutrients available in peak amounts at one point or another during this pH "swing". Nature at work for the plant.

If I were you. I would add a quality "zyme" product to my waterings to keep your bio count in the ball park, as MG timed release is rather hard on them. You should supplement a Ca/Mg product also!!!

pH all in going liquids to 6.5 and forget about your soils pH!!!
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Well-Known Member
appreciate it Dr!

Big guy is in a 1.5gal, and other 2 are 1 gals. Was about to transplant to 3gals tomorrow with foxfarm sincei found a local source i think. But i may have to wait now.

I never really flushed any of these plants due to knowing that the ferts would hurt it more. they get watered til maybe 10% runoff is coming out.

Big one is yellowing on leaves now, which i tihnk its saying it wants some N now too? or is that more of mag deff also?

IMG_20141030_202744_818.jpg this was its leaf yesterday. the burn is old overfert burn from the MG. but the yellowing is making me believe it wants N now. thats my lowes fan leaf for reference.

No spots on big one last nite and now its starting to get some.

Im doing a watering now with 1tsp of epsom salt and phd to 6.5 ill see how they react.

I think i may hold out on feeding the bonemeal water mix i made. unless you think its okay. 1gal w/ 1tbsp bonemeal 6-8-4 and 1tsp epsom.

Thanks for all the help guys! Will post back tonite!


Well-Known Member
Few more pics. Just watered so we will see how they act over the next 12hrs.

big one took about 64oz , smaller 2 took about 32oz each. small run off then stopped. They are getting watered about every other day it seems like. One day big one needs water, next day the rest need water, then back to big one. etcetc. really hoping to save the big one as it only 3 days ahead of the others but its massive and bushy and stinks horribly, which im hoping means a girl!

IMG_20141031_180114_557.jpg IMG_20141031_180123_976.jpg IMG_20141031_180145_018.jpg these are at top leaves. it has 1 node coming up, then the next one isnt affect, but the any lower then that is getting the spotting.

IMG_20141031_175912_877.jpg IMG_20141031_175924_442.jpg its big! hoping to save this because i was gonna transplant tomorrow and flip to 12 next weekend. Am i okay to still transplant tomorrow or will that be too much shock?

IMG_20141031_175502_252.jpg IMG_20141031_175507_334.jpg couple more close ups of the 2 small ones really damaged leaves.

IMG_20141031_175322_463.jpg then i have this 1 lone guy. growing slower then others, not really reaching, way diff look to the plant ( sat vs indc ). This lil trucker has no problems at all the whole grow so far so its staying for sure.

Any input would be a great help!



Well-Known Member
^ oh and that attached picture is the first 3 leaf set of leaves on one of the small guys. Just showing how damaged that one has gotten.

Now looking at some pics from Thripe it almost looks really close to that. but how come my last plant has no problems then? and this all popped up on the others about 12hrs after a watering.

Just when watering i did notice a few gnats( maybe less than 10 for all the plants) around the soil base as i watered. ( didnt really see any come out of the Big One )not sure what kind. verrrry tiny guys. rustled the top layer of soil around a bit and didnt see any larvae or anything tho. I could unpot it tomorrow and see if theres anything in there.

If it does come down to thripe is this savable? can i use some Sevin?

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Well-Known Member
checked on them today at 1pm. Think the problem still might be persisting, not fully sure. either that or just the spots have just darkened and became more pronounced.

Big one still has the spots all over, especially up on the new growth....

2 smaller ones are still showing growth but the fairly damaged leaves are pretty much dead. fully dried out, breaks upon touch.

and then the lone ranger is still perfectly fine... the only thing that keeps peace of mind that it isnt fungal for me.

Some more close ups. all of the Big One ( 2gal)
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1 shot of the 1gal

Any help is greatly appreciated! Im going to pull one of the 1gals out of the pot today to inspect for any infestation in the dirt, but i dont think so. New home to me that was recently bug bombed prior to moving in. setup is in a basement with temp and humidity control.
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