Sgt. Floyd
Well-Known Member
I read over at the shroomery that contams can grow faster than the mycelium at higher temps increasing the chance of contamination. My PF jars did fine in a room that dropped to the mid sixties at night.
Crumble up the poo and measure it in dry quarts to see how much you have, then just adjust the mix to the number of hpoo quarts you have. That poo you got looks perfect JP.Holy horse shit batman, i just did the math and unless im way off the bulk hpoo mix takes 12 pounds of horse poo.
Anyone have a slighty smaller tek? i only have two pounds of hpoo currently
Instead of messing with scaling a recipie down i just ordered 10 lbs more of the horse poo. that will bring me to 12 pounds or 7 quarts to use.
Problem solved.. for now
P.S. i checked my jars today but nothing at all is going on. I hope it was a valid syringe from Ill wait 8 more days before i start to freak i suppose.
No i should have, but these were spore syringe i used so i guess it takes a while longer to show signs of life (i hope)
How long should it take to show some signs of life? Its only been like 4-5 days at most so I'm thinking im just trying to rush things.
How long should it take to show some signs of life? Its only been like 4-5 days at most so I'm thinking im just trying to rush things.
Did you start with syringes or prints?
finally one jar has a small spot of myc forming. hopefully all will continue to do the same. only thing i did was remove them from the incubator and place them on a shelf. The fresh air must have done some good.
yup took it off when i knocked up the jars but had them in a tote which doesnt seem to be a good idea.
So they are out in the open now and i noticed a second jar with a small bit of MYC growing.
It just takes time and fresh air i guess.