Golden Tree nutrients!!!!!! well worth the cost!!

Golden tree does seem to work pretty well. A few days after adding it to my RDWC water the leaves got that waxy high brix look hinting at peak health (what they look like when I haven't been lazy and have it dialed in). Working at low PPMs (360-380) so I just added 1 ml per gallon with about 3ml per gallon of Canna Aqua. Have plants in a few stages of flower, from 2-5 weeks in, they all showed considerable improvement. Probably add it to the veg station next time i change the water and see how that goes. But two fins up from this deep water guy after just a few days. I'll wait for a full cycle to pass final judgement, but just seeing the initial improvement makes me think this will be in the drink for awhile.
just found this

Golden Tree may give similar effects as Boost, and there is some overlap in what they provide, but I can tell you they work in different ways. My question would be, has anyone tried Golden Tree and Boost together?


Boost - the "secret" is that the sugar cane fields are burned prior to harvest and processing/fermentation. This induces a massive stress response in the sugar cane and the plant hormones they release are retained after the product is stabilized through fermentation. So the extra growth from Boost is mostly an artificial stress response. It can also aid nutrient uptake similar to a fulvic acid, and of course provides some carbs for microbial food.

Golden Tree - Proprietary, from what I can tell it's basically Kelp with carbs. It might also have fulvic and humic acid from what others have said in this thread. That is very convenient, but when I run Boost I don't stop adding any of those other things (kelp, carbs, fulvics, humics).

So Golden Tree would definitely replace more bottles/do more jobs than Boost. However, I would not consider it a Boost replacement itself since that stress response piece is fairly unique.
Boost - the "secret" is that the sugar cane fields are burned prior to harvest and processing/fermentation. This induces a massive stress response in the sugar cane and the plant hormones they release are retained after the product is stabilized through fermentation. So the extra growth from Boost is mostly an artificial stress response. It can also aid nutrient uptake similar to a fulvic acid, and of course provides some carbs for microbial food.
Where did you read this?
Where did you read this?

Nowhere, and you won't find it published in any Canna literature. It's just what their reps have been telling us in person for years when we ask what is really in the Boost.

Edit: And I'm not pushing Boost, the cost is quite ludicrous for the benefits it provides (as others have said you can definitely grow equal quality without it). However, I do think it has it's place and it's useful to know what it is and why it works.
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I'm jumping on the band wagon good to see the masses have voted this shit works mmm now to try myself and get a big bottle hehe
All I can see in that link is Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil

Indole-3-butyric acid, Bap-6(6Benzylaminopurine), Triacontanol, Brassinolide, Full range of B-Vitamins, Fulvic Acid.

Your off.....
All I can see in that link is Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil Snake Oil

mbferts sells bulk fertilizers and PGR's. That was one of their few pre-mixed products.
Here is my theory of what golden tree is.....

Indole-3-butyric acid, Bap-6(6Benzylaminopurine), Triacontanol, fulvic or humic, and molasses for that 2.25 of K.