Golfer's are fucking squares..


Well-Known Member
I golf occasionally and its always a trip w/ the guys I golf with.......I go with a few other tattooists so we get A LOT of looks from the yuppie types.
My favorite comment was "look the Hells Angels are teeing off" shouldve chased that fucker that said that with a ball peen hammer.


Well-Known Member
I golf occasionally and its always a trip w/ the guys I golf with.......I go with a few other tattooists so we get A LOT of looks from the yuppie types.
My favorite comment was "look the Hells Angels are teeing off"
hahaaa... Yeah that would be fun to stare people down and intentionally weird them out at the ol' country club.


Global Moderator
Staff member
it wouldve been the "hells angel" thing to do..those fuckers always carry ball peen laws against concealing them! ;)
I saw a show on discovery (?) that was about some biker gang - guys all had bandanas in their back pockets that had a big ass master lock attached to it. Same deal, not classified as a weapon so they all carried them.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Apparently it's dangerous to smoke on a golf course.
Something C. Everett Koop never told us about.


Well-Known Member
Holy crap that shit is funny as fuck!!!!!!! I ain't gonna lie, I'm no old grumpy dude but if I was on my way to breaking 100 and those fuckers did that to me, their car would have taken a lot more damage than that

Funny as hell though


Well-Known Member
i haven't played in a few years but there is something very nice about toking a joint on the course. i get that zen thing going and become quite accurate. i had a regular 4 some and we'd toke our way through 18. the secret is never carry more than a joint each just in case.


Well-Known Member
They got what they were asking for imop
Hell yea they did. Some golfers, especially elderly one's are very passionate about they're game. Shit....if my friend even accidentally hits my ball I'd get upset (not at him directly but the fact that my ball got moved) and ESPECIALLY when it's on the green. If this had happened on the fair way or near a tree, where my balls usually are, I probably would have laughed and just put my ball near where I thought it was. But his happened on the green, where an inch can make the difference between a birdie and a par.