Gone Clean.


Well-Known Member
i am motherfucking nervous!!!

i went the cool route and emailed the supervisor when would be the start date. i have understood it to be on tuesday, but i'm not sure yet. i'm sooo nervous...


New Member
SCREW JOBS THAT DRUG TEST! I can grow my own fortune 500 company!



New Member
but good luck dude! I prolly would have done the same thing when I was a little bit younger... I've been smoking for 18 years, and aint stopping for a J-O-B :D


New Member
This is fucking ridiculous, no wonder the USA economy is so fucked! read more of the thread now and I can't believe that a country that has what 17 states with medical marijuana also adopts drug testing policies for educated people that aren't doing jobs involving high risk machinery or the likes. Sorry to say but your country has some fucking atrocious hypocritical standards...[/QUOT

yes, we do.


Well-Known Member

BTW, date seperated, 50 dollar deposit down, FIRST SOLO jump October 1st. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Well-Known Member
yes sir.

start tuesday.

we're going to be doing inventory in the warehouse 'wear some old jeans and a tshirt you won't mind getting slightly dirty, it's good training but it's dirty hard work, but hey, it's only twice a year!' were his exact words....


Active Member
Thats so fuking cool of you that you wna get your life sorted man hats off to you and i hope that every thing goes sweet for you , keep me posted bro

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
and i didn't feel comfortable asking: "so what type of drug test are we talking about here??" .....

needless to say i'm VERY NERVOUS....

I was laughing hard at that hahaha

as far as jumping out of planes... its not really that expensive of a hobby!

I considered it.. As once you have all your own gear & your packing your own chute... it costs $10 a jump!!!And that's a lifetime licenses I'm pretty sure. But the place is 2.5 hours away and I'm already in school for other things. I've done all the schooling for a Master Scuba diver too so I'm used to certifications..:eyesmoke:

It would be worth it for $50 to do 5 jumps on a lazy saturday :)

& of course; congrats on the job!!