gone for 3 days. wtf


Well-Known Member
so i left for the first time for 3 days and left my roommate to do one fucking thing. water the plants one time. i get back and it is obvious that he didnt do it and i believe that two of my largets plants are suffering from some serious lack of water. (any idea why only the large plants have been affected?) other than the obvious, what should i do to boost my plants back to life, i am 6 weeks into flowering i dont want to lose them. many of the leaves are curling and what seems to be dying. any response would be great!


Well-Known Member
Larger plants would of course consume more water and thus use their supply faster. Personally, I would say simply water them right now (Including a leaf misting) and avoid to many nutrients/fertilizers until they become stable again.
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Well-Known Member
bigger plants equal more water uptake and more leaves equal more transpiration....so. Juat make sure you water them now and they will spring right back within a few hours...no biggie...i do that all the time when I get really busy. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ok. sounds easty enough, although when i checked my garden this morning the two tallest ones are looking even worse. almost all fan leaves have yellowed and died and the smaller leaves are just so droopy. the buds still look okay i just feel like my 2 plants are really going to die, but im jus going to do what you said and be hopeful. any other hints would be great, PLEASE HELP MUH BABEEZ.


Well-Known Member
ok. sounds easty enough, although when i checked my garden this morning the two tallest ones are looking even worse. almost all fan leaves have yellowed and died and the smaller leaves are just so droopy. the buds still look okay i just feel like my 2 plants are really going to die, but im jus going to do what you said and be hopeful. any other hints would be great, PLEASE HELP MUH BABEEZ.
get the yellow leaves off now...they are sucking life out of the plant at this point...keep em watered and I still think they will come back but without pics cant tell for sure....dump a gallon of water on your roommates head while they are sleeping...that shit will teach em...ice water BTW:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
during flowering alot of times the leaves will turn yellow and dropp because plant is using energy to flower,could be that also1


Well-Known Member
so should i mist the plant so it absorbs moisture or should i not to avoid bud rot, i do have good air circulation keep in mind. any input would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
yea show some pics,and check uot my thread if u get a chance day 1 into flowering just posted pics,grew alot during the dark cycle!


Well-Known Member
i dont have pics cuz my cam doesnt work. once again i got up this morning and the two super tall girls are looking worse. their leaves are super droopy and dry and the tips flip up on some leaves. i have spent a lot of time picking off dead ones. i misted and watered, and poked holes in the medium to create airflow. it seems as if my plants are on their way to an early grave! i still have 7 healthy babies but they are much smaller (in height) some of the trichomes are turning, is there a chance i am near harvest (6 wks flowring w/ bag seed) it is a high sativa blend so i assumed atleast 8 weeks flowering, but i am wondering if it is possible to harvest in a week or so (if my plants make it that long) and help at this poing is great help, thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
IMO you should have watered b4 you left for the 3 days . That way ya dont have to rely on someone , who really prolly dont give 2 cents about your plants . Not like he will reap the benefits . Hope they make it


Well-Known Member
Canna, without pics it is really hard for us to tell you what may or may not be wrong with your babies. Are you in the states? If so, get yourself some Superthrive at Wal-Mart. it helps plants through a lot of different stressors. Other than that, you gotta find a way to get us some pics.


Active Member
Same shit happened to me a long, long, long, long, long, time ago. LOL and same scenario left for a few and had a friend water, well just like you, had 2 out of 6 just curl up and die, the rest were fine but the biggest ones were affected the most. So since I ahd 2 dead ass plants I made me some bubble hash and waited for the rest. Good Luck By the way take and roll a FAT ASS JOINT of leaves and crap and leave it on the coffee table, when your roomy comes in and sits to puff that shit he'll learn never to disrespect a pot plant again.LOL


Well-Known Member
IMO you should have watered b4 you left for the 3 days . That way ya dont have to rely on someone , who really prolly dont give 2 cents about your plants . Not like he will reap the benefits . Hope they make it
you don't have any friends do you.....with comments like that...Other people are trying to help and you just do a drive by "I told you so".....shut it!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
lol thats why when i left town i called home each time for each watering and listened while they did it haha. But if your plants are really stressing, get some liquid seaweed (maxibloom) or some superthrive also helps but that is expensive.


Well-Known Member
yea hopefully it makes it through,and if u have to harvest early i would at least try to harvest some buds and try to dry and smoke them,it might make it some regs but it might still have enough thc to get u blown!


Well-Known Member
so is there basically a good chance that they will die, seeing as how their condition has worsened. i dont have superthrive but i can get some if anyone thinks its worth it. tonight when the lights turn on i will take a pic with the cam on my laptop, even though they will probably look worse. this SUCKS! if the buds have about 20-30 % red hairs will there be any chance of having descent smoke, and is there any benefit or harvesting early or should i hang it out til the end, or will that mess the buds up. so many questions! please reply this thread has been great


Well-Known Member
u ever smoke regs?thats what regs r weed that is harvested to late or 2 early,with the brown hairs not red or auburn im talking ugly brown,some shit weed,itll get u high but not as good as dank,i mean u could still cure it prolly just wont get as good of a concentrated THC level,if they seem as if they r about to die i would chop and try to salvage the bud,but ur decison man