gone....... ; ; i hate me.

when u think u havea good place your probably wrong

if u take any sort of trail then branch off that trail people will have probably been ohh that looks cool just like u did and walk over there only to find a fatty plant...

imo indoors is the way togo unless its your backyard and you have a decent area/land

ull be fine with a closet grow with like 2 1000hps/MH lights and 20 plants lol
just do that
Have yall seen Mr Man other stupid ass post yet ? About him and his friend doing the crank call to the drug dealer ?? About how he was gonna go down and pop a cap in there ass for all the drugs they had ? ? LOL your a tool Mr Man and need to jus give up !!!
The best place is always a place you can keep an eye upon. Confide in NO ONE. Last time I checked, they do this "prison" thing to you if found out. Besides, there is NOTHING better than keeping a big fat secret to yourself. the whole time I'm with my friends and we're shootin breezes, I gives me such a deep satisfaction in knowing something so wonderful, I tend to get this look on my face. So the other day we're talkin out by the fence line, and my buddy gets this "look" on his face. I've been following him ever since with optics (just kidding).

Take it easy! Stoner RULE 1.
Any deer or bear in the area? Never discount livestock or even dogs (mine LOVE it). After years of getting great Guava fruit, a bunch of Squirrels got together this year and it was ATTACKED!! BASTARDS!! And I was gonna make them an Acorn pie, FORGET IT NOW SQUIRRELS!

Not cops. They wouldn't leave a bud. They wouldn't leave a stalk.

But it does sound like a 2 legged animal swiped your buds. Better luck next time. Remember a secret is POWAH!! MUHAhahahah1

Good Luck...
