gonna be a week by week up date of the blues and jack herer grow..


Well-Known Member
After the start to this grow,eg the dwc grow,that went pear shaped though heat,well res temp's.

Gotta say that the plants that i had on stand by have not let me down, 2 weeks after comeing out of the room with the t5 in i use for vegging at 12 " they are now just over 2 ft tall and just hit the table[scrog].
I only really use the scrog table has a structure to help later on help hold the buds up lazyness i can't be arsed to tie them up when the bud's become heavy.

I also do use the scrog table has its meant to be used for training the plants to grow a certain way,i only use it to pull the side branch's out,and tuck them under the netting then back through.Really just to let light get to the whole plant rather than the middles been dark,It's bushy plants i aim for but this can only be got by topping and keep topping the tops that have all ready been topped.

So each top has min 6/8 tops,by slowing down the top main cola growth,this is a must so the side collars catch up with the main,you will have loads of top's,the table i use is 7 ft long by 5 ft deep,This is the main area for weight all though i will let some of the sides grow out side the table and tie them up at later date.

The reason for this thread is im wanting new growers to pretty much try my method,and produce large amounts per watt of light,but really only growers that are doing small amounts under a hps lights my method has not been tried under cfl i don't think but i do half my vegging under a t5 4 tube one at 3 ft long by about 1 ft wide.They love this light the plants and if it was not so hard to be doing this law wise there are loads i would like to try like flowering in the t5 room and far more breeding.A number have asked me for seeds on here,and by autum i will have some that i will be sending out has tester packs,but it will be a cross of timewreck x blue's the clone blues so im not sure its even a blue strain but that is the name it was given so i carry that on it stinks,the mates i have grow for retail so it has to smell strong by this i mean it makes your eyes run when pruning or they will shop else where.I think its a youth street cred thing becuase there missing out on taste and strength of so many other strains the two i do are high thc strains though,so there strong.

This sunday the plant's will be on 1.4 ec but i put them on water this morning for 24 hour,there first flush of this session,these phot's were took other day so just add about 3/4 " onto them because now both are at the table,just over 2 ft like i said early,

I do sunday flowering days all ways have little habbits i stick too,so it will be tomorow when i flower,they will be on 1.4 ec for the first week.i'm gonna take you through right till the bud is in its final place the bins i store it in till i get round to makeing oil and hash and sift.Ever single gram goes into one of the 3,not very often i smoke bud at all do not see the point of smokeing all the bud when it's really two parts i want cbd/thc,i get these through hash sift oil but all the bud goes into oil apart from the leaf and lower bud that i get my sift/hash off.

I thought i would share this too because this is really interesting a friend of mine has been adding overdrive at the end of week two and been getting outstanding results from it 14/15 oz of each plant done under 1 x 600 hps light.He did 6 plant set up in coco in auto pots,86 oz bone dry and lovely bud it was the jack we have.though i would share very interesting he had no big bud so hit them with over drive for 1 x 50 ltr tank ec was 1.5 when he added overdrive to the canna a/b.

So this is where i am at in the growth stage,i up load photo's each week,Photo's were taken 3/4 days ago so there just through the table now

