Gonna' plant today, but my seven day forecast....

Most of my seeds have been germinated, and are ready to hit the earth. I was planning on putting them in the ground today, but I checked the weather and my seven day forecast looks like this:

Today: Mostly sunny, high 82, precipitation 10%
Thursday: Partly cloudy, high 86, precipitation 20%
Friday: Scattered T-storms, high 82, precipitation 60% <----- :evil:

Will everything be fine? Friday scares me. I don't want my babies being stormed on...

Also, it's predicting t-storms next Tuesday through Friday... 25th through 28th. What should I do :cry:
I'd love to have some feedback since I want to head out to the woods now. No later than thirty minutes. Please? and thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Weed plants are super reslient, I only plant when it rains, keeps the people at bay, and they are watered at the same time. You will never be able to control the weather, your plants will just fine, relax and have a good time planting. Good Luck:peace:
Alright, well it's been raining for about 16 hours straight...

I planted them Wednesday morning. They got sun all day Thursday. It started freaking STORMING Thursday night though, and rained all throughout the night. I woke up, and it was raining. It's raining right now, and it doesn't seem like it wants to give up anytime soon. WTF???!!!!

I am very concerned!!!!
Please help someone. My hourly forecast looks like this:

12 PM: 70 degrees, precipitation 90%
1 PM: 72 degrees, 60%
2 PM: 74 degrees, 45%
3 PM: 79 degrees, 30%
4-5 PM: Partly cloudy, 80 degrees (but half of my plants have morning sunlight)
This is my first guerrilla grow. Do you think these little seedlings will make it to Saturday? If they can, I think they'll be alright because we've got nothing but sun from then until Monday.


Well-Known Member
How big are the seedlins now? I'd suggest to harden them by growing them inside for a big, that way they can survive at weather without worry