Gonna rip them up


Well-Known Member
Somebody stop me if I am over reacting here. My babies have been in 12/12 for 21 days and not a single sign of the sex. I am beginning to think there is something wrong with these things. They look good, they are growing everything but hairs or nuts. At this point I would not care if they are both male just so that I know. So, I am going to order me some seeds, and if by the time they get here and the babies have not shown anything, I am ripping them up and starting the seeds. Am i over reacting?


Well-Known Member
Just give it time, some strains take longer to show sex, and dont hope for a male. Its really devastating.
How much time? These two plants are bag seed, that is pretty decent smoke. I dont hope for males, but at this point anything would be nice. The way I am looking at it now is that I am pushing 1 month in flowering and not knowing if I am wasting my time on plants that could be male.


Well-Known Member
i found my females showed at 25 - 35 days,,males showed far earlier,,but what do I know,,lol

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
give them as long as it takes. they CAN'T be broken.
With that said, when they do show sex how does that affect the actual time it takes to harvest? My goal was 90 days from planting to harvesting. With it now almost 60 days in, it seems to reason that should they show signs lets say in the next 9 days or so, I am possibly looking at about 120 days or more until harvest. Would this be a reasonable assumption?


Well-Known Member
Well to start with you have given us very little information about your setup and seeds.

What light
how are you caring for them
where was the seed donor originally grown, outdoor strains grown indoors will sometimes be problimatic and vise versa.

and then of course there is also the above mentioned factor that all strains flower for different lengths of time.

My first three plants I ever grew took nearly 3 1/2 weeks to show first signs of flowering, so I wouldn't stress it too much.


Active Member
hey how old arethey??
wat size??
are they sativas?wat strain?
there are many things that could be contributing
have u checked for light leaks?
if they are from seed they may not be ready to show sex
they may need some more time establishing
wat medium and conditions are they are in??
all the best and dont panic
keep it simple and be thorough


Well-Known Member
hey how old arethey??
wat size??
are they sativas?wat strain?
there are many things that could be contributing
have u checked for light leaks?
if they are from seed they may not be ready to show sex
they may need some more time establishing
wat medium and conditions are they are in??
all the best and dont panic
keep it simple and be thorough
1. They were planted on 7-15 under 18/6, started 12/12 on 8-11
2. They are approx 2 feet tall, but I am pulling them down.
3. I believe they are sativa/indica mix. Pretty much unknown, as they are bag seed
4. They are in a grow box in a closet where doors stay closed.
5. They are in soil

I am trying to keep it simple, the most advanced thing I am doing is LST. I am not using all the high tech ferts and soil. Just trying to get a decent grow first time around before I start throwing the big stuff at it.

The biggest mistake I may have made is to small of pots. If they are root bound which they probably are, I know it will affect growth, but will that stop it from flowering?


Well-Known Member
look at it this way. if you rip them up, by the time you start new seeds and get them to the point these are at these would have been done.


Well-Known Member
look at it this way. if you rip them up, by the time you start new seeds and get them to the point these are at these would have been done.
I know and thats the screwed up thing about it, I have to keep stealth in mind as my number 1 priority. I can only have two plants at a time. But I can start them in cups for a week or so without a problem, but once it is time to put them in bigger pots, they must go into my grow box.


Well-Known Member
also, you just cant tell a plant to be done in 90 days. Depending on your strain and light intensity it could take 90 days just to flower


Well-Known Member
also, you just cant tell a plant to be done in 90 days. Depending on your strain and light intensity it could take 90 days just to flower
Yeah I know, but maybe I had my hopes set to high, which is ok. The plants are healthy and maybe I should let them go. But I see here where 90 days is a good number for the most part, but maybe I have a strain that wants alot longer.


Well-Known Member
Just be great full you made it this far, many don't.
Funny you say this....because as I've read through here you are right many don't make it this far...which makes me wonder why in over a year I have never had a plant die on me, and (knock on wood) I still have not had ONE hermie or male plant, and I've never bought "feminized" strains.


Well-Known Member
Just be great full you made it this far, many don't.
There is that, my grow conditions are certainly not ideal. Heat has been a problem for me. I just found how to make them happy otherwise and the heat does not seem to really be affecting them.
Ironically enough though, last night I saw what could be hairs on one of them. Hopefully thats what it is, I will look later when they wake up.


Well-Known Member
High heat slows down the flowering process sometimes. I had problems with that at my old apartment.