Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics


Well-Known Member
@b0bdyl4an420 Nah, never, you see, I am not that considerate. Nah but seriously dude it deserved a better home so I gave it one. It was lucky that i found it. It def wouldnt have finished flowering at its previous home. It was like an abused dog, so much potential but bad conditions

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Nice bud mate, looks like it coulda been manicured a bit better tho.
definately, i was trying a new method apparently leaving those smaller sugar leaves on during the drying process improves the flavour but to be honest i couldnt tell any difference it just made the drying longer and i had to do another trim,

totally not worth the bother.


Well-Known Member
definately, i was trying a new method apparently leaving those smaller sugar leaves on during the drying process improves the flavour but to be honest i couldnt tell any difference it just made the drying longer and i had to do another trim,

totally not worth the bother.
Hey don, Hows it going?...
I use to trim everything off, its true it dries quicker... and its a little easier to manicure when the leafs arent crispy dry...
But over the years ive discovered taking off the little leaves right before jarring/curing releases the full scent spectrum of your buds just before being sealed... which would eventually come out from a long enough cure, but this way you really get that PUNCH smell everytime you open the jar, from the very first day of curing..=)
It also protects the thc crystals to have those little leafs around them....

:) But at the end of the day.. Ìf the bud is good.. No one can complain:)

Good growin,
Peace and Hugs,


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
easy Jah fella!

ups and downs smiles n frowns, hahah same old same old mate. hows tricks?

interesting take on the trimming, i must admit the buds do smell fantastic from the off going into jars there was no hay smell at all, but its a lot more effort doing 2 trims but if the cure time is reduced i guess it evens out.

im all about the best my bud can be so i might start doing it on the reggy but we'll see haha i might just grow a not too leafy strain

:smile: But at the end of the day.. Ìf the bud is good.. No one can complain:smile:


happy growin fella!


floridasucks, I will kill to smoke that purple. Damn you are one lucky person.