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Well-Known Member
feast your eyes on some wholesome Black Crack. Aka Poor mans hash.

Tar From Pipe Rolled Into A Ball.

This shit will take you by the booboo

Takes alot of dedication to produce a nice ball.




Well-Known Member
resin is NASTY, but if thats all you got, smoke it. AND THAT IS NOT COMPAREABLE TO HASH AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sure its comparable, they are both moldable , they both get you high, they both packed full of THC, one just tastes nasty, and one costs more then the other, and i find resin is easy on the lungs unless you been smokn crackin your pipe lately. i can take massive tokes and not even cough.


Well-Known Member
No it's like your pipe saying here let me take a shit in your lungs for being broke. it is easyer on the lungs because it is NOT packed full of thc and no it is not compareable!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
No it's like your pipe saying here let me take a shit in your lungs for being broke. it is easyer on the lungs because it is NOT packed full of thc and no it is not compareable!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMAO did you just say that resin didnt have thc in it??? LMFAO, fuck thats rich, okay man whatever you say LOL, no thc in resin is like saying cars dont have engines LOL, resin is THC residue from the smoke thats why its plyable.. and dont diss peeps for bein poor, if thats all you got too smoke then its better then nothin, only in a perfect world would everyone who smokes weed have an unlimited supply of herb so they never have to smoke resin.