good auto yield 80g dry and up ?


Well-Known Member
I just heard from my friend, I'm copying some of his pics and posts now. Sorry it took a little while, I like to have my privacy respected so I respect it in others.
He switched over to running photos so he could run 12/12 during the summer instead of 20/4 with the autos. In these shots He's still running 20/4 and vegging photo plants, everything in flower is an auto. I'll look for some individual plant shots of some of his plants, it's a lot to go back through his journal. I'd really like to post some pics of some of his Dinafem Cheese plants.

Here's something he wrote up on autos to sum up his experience.
Here is what I consider the strong (positive) points one has over the other. This (to me) is very generalized as there are certainly some exception to about everything.


Photoperiods =

Greater variety
Size control thru light flip
Easily "reverted" for seed production
Controlled vegetative state allows for more training / manipulating
Better for outdoor grows
Growing photos indicates you're a "real" grower 8)

Autoflowers -

FAST! (great if you like testing)
Light leaks / total darkness and all... forget it... no prob
very resilient to temp / light stress
Easy set=up. You can stick it in a corner with a light and treat like any other houseplant
Responds nicely to some very basic techniques in growing (forget the bullshit spread by internet gurus)
Easily predictable run time for planning & scheduling a grow
They tell you when they are done / ready
Only one grow room required... actually optional if you want one

Points I can't award to either (tie or personal taste, etc.)

Quantity from plant vs time
easy growin

Points to ponder=
While I gave "Greater Variety" to photos.... how many copies does one need of White Widow, AK, Blueberry, etc.? For me, 1 or 2 good quality strains works well.
Autos started off bred for cold / low light areas. They caught on some. But the quality / quantity was in it's infancy. Many were disappointed and became (understandably) opinionated. These new autos are far from what was 4-5 yrs. ago. It's hard to change opinions at times like flushing out nutes before harvest, molasses, organics for flavor, etc.

For me, all this autoflower started in earnest when I started seeing debates with pictures and text on several sites. Soon it came to me that some of then are full of shit and don't know what they're doing, or flat out lying. Got to wonder and looked deeper. Found a whole underworld of folks that grew autos and kept mostly to themselves because like with defoliating,,, any mention seems to create a stir.
I HAD TO KNOW! Prior to this, I popped a few autos and they grew,, but I never gave them any honest opportunity to show me their potential. So I started what was to be a 9 month test. Honestly didn't figure it would go more than 2-3 harvest (low expectations). But I tried to keep an open mind and explore. It was one of the wisest things I've done in a long time. Now, on the most part, I too joined the silent (auto) population. This is about the only site I'll share my auto experiences with because many seem to be more open minded and ready to think for themselves here as opposed to spreading words on things they know little about. (Love this site!!!! :you_rock-1295: )
Autos are indeed somewhat different. Separating fact from fiction was a big learning curve and I'm still learning. But I've hit the point of Autos are no longer "second class growing" to me anymore. They've gotten my respect. However, just like photos,, not all breeders / strains are that worthy. but the goodies are there for the looking.

(MrEDuck & Gummy,,,, how's that for a viewpoint? )



Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting that....

Still, in your re-post the grower never states 3-4oz a plant, and those photos DO NOT look anywhere near that kind of


Well-Known Member
Those are all at varying stages, I'll find some things where yield is mentioned. And some pics of bigger plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting that....

Still, in your re-post the grower never states 3-4oz a plant, and those photos DO NOT look anywhere near that kind of
4 oz a plant is getting really common
auto's are quickly improving both with yields and potency
one thing ive noticed is alot is based on genetics
but in the end its all based on how good you are at growing
i got 1/4 oz on my first lowryder grow close to 10 years ago
now 2-3 oz is common even on my being lazy grows


Well-Known Member
You get what you have put in the plants. With autos you did nothing so the reward is equal.

Waste of time and money, nice for first time growers who have no clue what plants are imo.


Well-Known Member
Autos require that you know what you're doing at least a little bit, if you fuck up it stunts the plant, with a photo you can recover from mistakes.


Well-Known Member
that dude pull's a 1/4 lbs a plant
very good link... dutch passion- think different auto, is very interesting....

I think that dudes skills we're OK, i do think that he scrog'd like D.P. recommend and was able maximized yield... the genetics looked like the really winner.

Here is dudeman's strain for those looking into it... I know which autos i'm growing outside next year...hehe

Think Different is the real surprise package in the Dutch Passion AutoFem collection. She has quickly established a great reputation for stunning yields and very strong weed. Even first time growers have achieved over 100g/plant and experienced growers can achieve 200g-300g+. She can grow over 1m tall in experienced hands and is a good alternative to traditional varieties, offering bumper harvests of strong cannabis just 10-11 weeks after seed germination. The genetics come from a special AK47 hybrid known as AK420.
Indoors she has the potential to yield up to 500g/m² especially in ‘scrog’ systems with powerful lights. She joined our list of best sellers just one year after she was released and has created a following of AutoFem growers who refuse to grow anything else. Serious growers like you should try growing this at least once!


Well-Known Member
wow Autos get so much hate here for no reason, I have seen tons of grows over 3oz. Check out autoflower forum yall be surprised.


Well-Known Member
I would say a fair skepticism, not hate...

Nothing wrong with asking people to back up claims...

Pretty classic phrase.... Pics or it didn't

Still, no one that has chimed-in had PERSONALLY grown these huge Autos.... All have been second hand.

There're Internet forums for people who've seen Bigfoot


I love how he hates on autos but as soon as he saw that 5 think different scrog now all of a sudden that's what he's gonna grow. You can run 2 auto grows for every 1 photo grow. I grew 3 think differents under an 8 bulb t5 and got almost 9 oz dry. So that means in 120-140 days I pull over a pound with 6 plants in a 4x3 room. Not happening with photos

Myco Man

good luck on that.. i have yet to find a real producer from any auto flower plants.. even auto pounder is a crock o shit. the most i have ever got from an auto is about an oz.. started in the final pot and it grew to about 2' tall and was one main cola and a few linky branches.. but even under 18/6 with co2 thats all i got.. i grew auto's for a few years ,only auto's and never got over an oz a plant.. now i grow just clones with no veg time and get close to 2-3 oz from a clone.. so no more auto's for me unless i need a lil smoke in between harvest ..
Kind of new here but I'd like to chime in as I am on my 2nd grow and have 1 under my belt which included White Rhino from Nirvana Seeds and Berry Ryder from Auto seeds. The Berry Ryder gave my 6 ounces no shit! I used a 1000 watter/HPS 5x5 argomax tent and a digital green house dimmable ballast with the WHOLE Fox Farm Nute Line. It really benefits from 3 days in total darkness and a heavy heavy feeder. I am doing Auto Pounder right now along with Master Kush from Nirvana seeds as well as Northern Lights from Nirvana Seeds and I have besides the auto pounder I have a Super Cheese Auto from Postitronic seeds my auto pounder is beastin' right now! smells so sweet oh and I have ICE from Nirvana as well going :)


Well-Known Member
I've grown autos. They're useful outdoors in some places. Maybe if you have free space in your veg room. Otherwise they're not up to par and some of the things MrEE's friend said are objectively untrue. Such as being able to easier plan an auto grow - they're all different plants. You always know when your clone is going to finish if you have any experience with it.

There's also 0 chance autos will outyield a regular plant in the same time frame. They are also objectively less potent (head to head... even the breeders of autos admit as much ie: Delicious seeds head breeder).


Well-Known Member
space is valuable to me, while autos i have done are pretty good potency wise i still wouldnt trade my current strains to go autos. and thats a great point about clones vs autos!! clones should win every time just for the fact not every auto will be the same or as advertised if you happen to run say 30.


Well-Known Member
Btw, the reason autos will never outyield regular plants is mostly to due with the reduced ability to control how they grow and a lack of uniformity.

You can't really DIAL in autos either. If you're a skilled gardener you can do well, but again - every plant is different. There's a lot of disadvantages.