Good By Corporate America

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Yep so as of today i am officially unemployed and man is it ever a good fucking feeling! Ive worked for corporate America sucking people's dick's all day long for the past 4 year's and im done... Luckily my boss was way awesome and thought that i was to stressed out and needed a break from the daily grind. Yesterday i asked her if she would do me the deed of letting me go so i have some hope of getting on unemployment while i look for a new job. She said that she would be more then happy to do this for me, she also made sure to let our HR department know that i was let go due to absence that was accompanied by ample doctor's information stating i should not have been at work due to a concussion.

I plan on taking a month off to just chill, meditate, and work on spiritual and physical enlightenment...

Also i may be getting the opportunity to finally move out to Colorado pretty soon and this girl i went to high school with is manager over a club out there.... Mmm the possibilities:leaf::leaf::leaf:
1 month unemployed goes by way to fast. Enjoy it while it last lol!

Yeah it def does, i had a couple month's off last summer when i broke my neck. Although that time i couldnt really do anything, this time ill be able to do whatever i want.

i cant believe ur boss agreed to let u go for a chance of unemployment. thats kinda unheard of i thought.

Yeah it def is unheard of. The thing is i got along with my boss very well and i was always a top performer. About a week and a half ago i sat down with her and told her my frustration's with the job and that just overall i was unhappy being there. She just told me that she understands and thought maybe i should take some time of for me, that i should just think about it and let her know. My boss is awesome, no doubt about it.

Congratulations! enjoy your time to yourself.

Thank you! Im def going to that's for sure.
If food, weed, beer, couch, remote, TV (in that order) don't become your priorities for the next month then ur doin it wrong.
If food, weed, beer, couch, remote, TV (in that order) don't become your priorities for the next month then ur doin it wrong.

Revised order: weed, food, weed, beer, weed, couch, weed, remote, weed, tv. That should take up a little more time :)
damn have a nice vacation! hahha make some goals but chill hard man
Thanks, i def will. But yeah ive already set some goals so to do on a daily basis..

1. 2-3 hour's a day of physical activity.
2. 2-3 hour's a day educating myself IE: Marijuana, Quantum Theory,Philosophy, Ancient History, etc.
3. Paint/draw
4. Meditate 2-3 time's a day.
5. Keep the house clean

Dont worry though, ill def make time for Herb, Booze, and Psychedelics :leaf:

If food, weed, beer, couch, remote, TV (in that order) don't become your priorities for the next month then ur doin it wrong.

Well trust me doc, i will def be getting my fair share of herb and booze but i gotta do something to keep me going...