New Member
yeah fukin son of a bitch!!get the fuk outta here man!!nobody wants you,and im sure your 2 runts of hemp that u call cannabis hate u!!bitch azz muthafucka!!
dude, not cool, don't stoop to that persons level..there gone, whatever...that's there problem..Also these "GOOD BYE" threads are against the rules and a moderator should close this thread..if some one wants to leave they should just leave...skip us all with the sob story thread.....yeah fukin son of a bitch!!get the fuk outta here man!!nobody wants you,and im sure your 2 runts of hemp that u call cannabis hate u!!bitch azz muthafucka!!
Well Ill be damned...there you go again...Ive smoked a blunt right before,so I aint gonna flame you,but wtf are you sayin lol..wahtever man youre cool...and yeah this thread blows..this has nohing to do w cannabis...have a goosd one sucka!!Aww, skeet, skeet mother truckers, aww, skeet, skeet gosh darn. Fest to fline flee flee fline, hemi to you baby said something one more time. To the window.... to the wall.... till' sweat drops down my testicles, all these females sprawl. Aww, skeet, skeet mother truckers, aww, skeet, skeet gosh darn.
LOLzzz!!Dude, might wanna talk to a local phyciatrist!!Crazy bitch!!Go drink a fuckin zanie bar,or ten!!You stupid gay fuck!!
well bugger me!..I was just gonna answer them there questions for ya.....shit just be wasting my time now.........................................byei try to anser ? from my growing exp. to try to help others w/ there grow but u basterds cant seem to answer most of mine. so fuck u and this site