Good cabinet dimensions 48 x 48 x 18?


Active Member
Would these cabinet dimensions serve well as a good cabinet?

48"W x 48"H x 18"D

I plan on growing 2 plants under CLF's for a semi-stealth cab.

I know that the 48"W and 48"H should be just fine. I am just worried about the 18"D not being wide enough, or am I hopefully mistaken.



Well-Known Member
Jixan, I'm no expert but I think you're ok. my grow cab is just about the same dimensions as yours. My depth is also 18in. I have t8 fixtures lining the back of my cab taking about 4in of depth away. I have 3 fixtures holding my cfls, and I plan on adding 2 more fixtures, about 200 more watts giving me close to 1000 watts between tubes and cfls (once I get my heat issue under control that is). I have 3 girls in there right now, 2 are about 30in tall the other about 24in tall. nothing is touching, and if I need to I can always tie them up a little. good luck. GO SHARKS!


Active Member
Jixan, I'm no expert but I think you're ok. my grow cab is just about the same dimensions as yours. My depth is also 18in. I have t8 fixtures lining the back of my cab taking about 4in of depth away. I have 3 fixtures holding my cfls, and I plan on adding 2 more fixtures, about 200 more watts giving me close to 1000 watts between tubes and cfls (once I get my heat issue under control that is). I have 3 girls in there right now, 2 are about 30in tall the other about 24in tall. nothing is touching, and if I need to I can always tie them up a little. good luck. GO SHARKS!
Thank you so much for he feedback shrxhky420 is truly appreciate it.

Also, I have a question for you. How do you think that t8 affects your growth and temperatures?



Well-Known Member
I'm really not sure how much it's doing as it is my 1st grow, but I've read that ppl love it for side lighting, and it doesn't seem to be hurting anything... I do have my girls almost touching the t8 bulbs and they seem fine, so no heat issue with bulbs. I also rotate my babies every 6 hours to make sure there is even light exposure. That's why I hope to add more cfls, so as to not have to rotate so often. Cfls seem to cause more of the heat issue than the t8 fixtures do. I currently have 1 4in in-line intake fan and 1 6in exhaust fan, my temps are reaching about 90. I'm thinking of adding 2 more 4in fans 1 more intake and 1 for exhaust of course. I'm hoping that will allow me to add more lights
Edit: adding 6" & 4" fans not two 4" fans


Active Member
Ah I gotcha, yeah I think the CFL's would be the main culprits when it comes to heat generation. Thanks for all the additional info!