Good day friends. 1st time grower, and very limited on money.

Jay Mcmullen

New Member
It really Sucks. I haven't had shit in over a month. And live in a small town where I don't know anyone. So I can't even get anything if I come up with some money. But, I guess that's life rite...

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
If ur seed don't work have a look at sensi seeds skunk#1 it's cheap, very stable, and super easy to grow. Let's hope these seeds work.

Even though I'm a hydro guy I would seriously reccomend soil, dwc is too risky/problematic for a beginner, you're relying on these meds. For dwc ur gonna have to buy a ph and ppm meter which is not cheap.

It's going to take you approximately 3 months to from germination to harvest, don't risk a failure. Make this as easy as possible for urself you NEED these meds more than most of us.