good deal or not?? four six foot mothers for 1500dollars


Well-Known Member
Don't do it pal just grow your own and save the money for other stuff you may need.
If anything offer the guy $150 bucks for one that's more reasonable for a six footer in my book, He's trying to rip you off.


Well-Known Member
I've got 4 "Go Phuck youself" plants I'll let go for 1/2 that!

They are actually Kush But they got a new name now, "Go Phuck Youself"! LOL!

P.S. Actually I have been searching for a name for a hybrid (Hawaiian/Jamaican) cross of my own, I think I just found the name!

Edit: I think the hybrid should be "Phuck yo Mama"! LOL!


Well-Known Member
yeaaaa if you got 1500 bucks to spend you would be much better off buying seeds online and getting a nice ass light setup and set yourself up a little grow room... it would be much cheaper.. and you could pick what strain you wanted. etc.. or if you had just bought 1 plant.. took a bunch of clones off it and flowerd it... you coulda got a good amount of weed from it.. and had a bunch of clones you could grow to 6 feet i fou wanted.. bet yeaa. deff just buy some seeds and do it yourself.. that way you know what plants they are and you know theyre gonna be taken care of.